Are You Looking To Invest for Growth?
What kind of investor are you? There are many types of investment strategies and each person will follow the strategy that best fits his or her plan. At GROCO, we can help all kinds of investors, including those who are investing for growth. When it comes to long-term growth, the total return on your investment is what matters most.
Long-term investing is not for everyone. As the name implies long-term investing means you will need to practice patience. That means if you expect to get a valuable return then you have to be in it for the long haul. So given that you are looking for long-term investment growth, what factors do you need to keep in mind?
First, you need to determine when is the best time to purchase stocks. Many investors try to pick the perfect time according to market fluctuations, however, in actuality, the best time to get involved in investing is whenever you have the money available to invest.
You will also need to properly allocate your assets, with the right amount going into stocks and the right amount going into bonds. According to one tax expert, over the long haul, bonds have shown to have more risk than stocks when investors have held them for longer periods of time, including for more than 10 years.
To some, investing is a crapshoot, while to others it is an art form. Either way, if you have more questions regarding long-term investment growth then give GROCO a call today at 1-877-CPA-2006. You can also click here click here to learn more.
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