Change in the World


Be the change you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi

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Tax Record Retention Guide

Storing tax records: How long is long enough? Tax Record Retention April 15 has come and gone and another year of tax forms and shoeboxes full of receipts is behind us. But what should be done with those documents after your check or refund request is in the mail? Federal law requires you to maintain…


3 Reasons Why Owning a Commercial Property May Make You More Money in Real Estate Investment

Making a Commercial Property Investment If you ever have been a landlord for residential property, I am sure that you get complaints from tenants about leaking roofs in the middle of the night. But what keeps most people back from investing in commercial real estate is the fear of the unknown since not many of…

section 1045 rollover; business

Sec 1045: Small Business Stock Rollover of Gain

The Beauty of Section 1045 Enacted as part of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (effective for sales after August 5, 1997), a taxpayer other than a corporation may elect to roll over capital gains from the sale of qualified small business stock held for more than six months if another small business stock is…

Common Investment Mistakes

Courtesy of Paul Ray Andrus, LUTCF, ChFC There is a lesson to be learned from the recent $2 billion-plus loss by a sophisticated trading unit of JPMorgan Chase. Even “expert” traders make mistakes. You shouldn’t expect every investment decision you make to be perfect. And when you are wrong, it’s best to recognize it and…