Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022!

Goodbye 2021, hello 2022, finally! Here’s a brief review of our 2021; goals for 2022 to follow shortly. In so many ways we are glad 2021 is behind us. It was a very difficult year for many businesses and individuals; too many had businesses closed, experienced hardships and lives were shattered and lost. Our heartfelt wishes, thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who suffered, in any way, in 2021.
Traditionally, corporate year-in-review articles list a myriad of accomplishments i.e., promotions and competitive advancements achieved during the preceding year. However, most of the articles in the wake of 2021 seem more focused on “we made it” than a corporate pat on the back, even when the achievements have been significant and noteworthy. Likewise, despite our many incredible achievements involving expansion, promotions, and new technological and competitive advancements, much of this article will focus on GROCO’s most valued assets: our wonderful employees and clients, and how they survived, even thrived, during 2021.
Working remotely in 2021
Eventually, GROCO will move to a hybrid model where employees near a production center will rotate workdays between home and the office. As a particularly technologically advanced CPA and family office tax and advisory firm, we have had the capability to securely allow employees to work remotely from home for years. Interestingly, it started because employees we valued and cared for experienced profound changes in their family situations; to both help and keep them, we found a way to adapt to their needs. Having a Managing Partner with 7 children who truly understands and promotes work/life balance has improved the firm and our employees’ lives in many ways. Allowing employees to work remotely years before the pandemic is just one example.
When local mandates forced many firms to completely alter how they did business, we simply allowed more employees to work from home. The services we provide our wonderful clients never suffered, shielding them from the pain so many of their friends at other firms experienced. 2020 and 2021 were very bad for many firms, but GROCO didn’t skip a beat.
Devil is in the details
Having already established protocols in 2020 to reduce the chance of the COVID-19 virus being transmitted within our office, these practices simply became routine in 2021. Only a handful of employees elected to continue working in the office. Enhanced sanitation procedures, fewer employees in the office, and adherence to local mandates were all successful in protecting our employees and clients’ health and safety.
GROCO, its employees and clients had a lot to be grateful for and many accomplishments in 2021. GROCO officially expanded into several states, added wonderful new clients, and improved technology that will position the firm to best utilize AI and other new technology expected in 2022 and beyond. In short, we continue to help our clients thrive and by so doing, ourselves.
Looking back at 2021, and forward toward 2022
We sincerely grieve with all those who suffered in 2021. We take solace in the fact that 2022 should be better and we stand in unison with our employees and clients to help insure this is so. If helpful in any way, please refer to our COVID-19 page on our website. We look forward to a 2022 that brings hope and so much potential and wish the very best for all of us.
We hope you found this article, Goodbye to 2021, Hello 2022 about a review of GROCO’s 2021 helpful. If you have questions or need expert tax or family office advice that’s refreshingly objective (we never sell investments), please contact us or visit our Family office page or our website at Unfortunately, we no longer give advice to other tax professionals gratis.
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Considerately yours,
GROCO, GROCO Tax, GROCO Technology, GROCO Advisory Services, GROCO Consulting Services, GROCO Relationship Services, GROCO Consulting/Advisory Services, GROCO Family Office Wealth, and GROCO Family Office Services.
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