Hire a Pro or Do it Yourself – the Best Way to File Taxes
Does it feel like you just finished last year’s taxes? Well, believe it or not it’s almost time to do it again. Every year the tax laws and policies change, so each year you will have to be aware of these changes and additions. However, there are some things that never seem to change. With that in mind let’s review some of the top tax tips for year-end tax planning.
Choosing a Legal Form for Your Business
Choosing a Legal Form for Your Business In starting a small business, one of the first questions you should ask is what form of legal entity you should use or “How should I organize my business?” Also, as your business grows and changes, you should from time to time ask yourself whether the entity you…
Drafting a Partnership Agreement
Drafting a Partnership Agreement If you decide to organize your business as a partnership, be sure you draft a partnership agreement that details how business decisions are made, how disputes are resolved, and how to handle a buyout. You’ll be glad you have this agreement if for some reason you run into difficulties with one…
How to Bring in a New Partner
How to Bring in a New Partner By Matt Dickstein, Business Attorney In this article, I will give you a quick overview of how do you buy into a company to bring in a new shareholder or partner to help with your business. If you are on the other side of the table as…
The Pros & Cons of S-Corporation Status
The Pros & Cons of S-Corporation Status If the number of shareholders in your corporation is small, you may think that becoming an S-Corporation is the right move, but you should weigh the advantages and disadvantages first. Advantages of S-Corporation Status One of the main advantages of S-Corporation status is that it avoids the double…