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How to Make a Strong First Impression

how to make a strong first impression

How to Make a Strong First Impression

How are you when it comes to first impressions when meeting someone? Do you have what it takes to impress others right off the bat? Or, do you wish you could get a do-over and maybe go about it a different way? It’s so cliché, but unfortunately, it’s true: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Even if you overcome a bad first impression the first one can never be changed.

First Impressions Matter

So why are first impressions so important? Do they really matter that much? The fact is, they do. Of course, not everyone you meet is going to have a huge impact on your life, and vise versa. However, when it comes to meeting important people in critical situations, your first impression could haunt you for a while. Here’s why. People make judgments all the time. In fact, every time you meet someone you make judgments about that person. Right off the bat, even if you don’t consciously realize it, you are making important determinations about anyone you meet.

Crucial Decisions

You might decide whether or not you can trust this person. You might determine in an instant if this person deserves your respect or not. You might even decide in that very first moment if you ever want to spend time with this person again. These are crucial decisions because if you give off an impression that you can’t be trusted or respected then you are likely damaging your potential for success. So how do you make sure that you are giving the right first impression?

Tips for Success

If you want to make a good first impression then you need to keep these tips in mind.

Start With Positive Body Language

The way you approach a person, how you look at them, and even your posture will play a role in how to make a strong first impression that person judges you. Your body gestures and facial expressions should express positive, confident feelings. Listen First, Speak Second–of course, someone has to speak first, but if you allow the other person to speak you show that you care about his or her thoughts and opinions. If you speak first it can be a sign of control, which can lead to mistrust. If you do have to speak first, try to start with a question. Then listen.

Small Talk Is Good

It’s usually how to make a good impression idea to engage in some “small talk.” Just shoot the breeze for a few minutes in order to allow the person some relaxed time to formulate an opinion.

Know Before You Go

While it’s not always possible, if you have a planned first-time meeting, like a job interview for example, it’s a good idea to learn about the person, to a certain extent, before the meeting takes place. This will help the person you’re meeting with trust you more because you’ve taken the time to learn about them on your own. It also shows initiative and competence.

Seize the Opportunity

In many situations in life, making a positive how to make first impression is crucial, especially in the business world. So remember these tips and make sure you are ready the next time you meet someone for the first time.

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