Looking to Grow Your Firm? Consider GROCO

There are hundreds of tax and accounting firms all over the country, including right here in the Bay Area. These firms come in all levels of size and expertise. At GROCO, we are always looking to grow our business and we know that many, if not all, companies are looking to do the same.
If you are looking to merge or sale your company, we invite you to consider GROCO as a partner. An ideal merger candidate for our company is a firm that has one to three partners, along with a small staff already in place. This firm should be primarily focused on tax work for very wealthy individuals, but it should also have at least one other area of expertise, including audit services, estate planning, business valuations or forensic accounting.
GROCO has a lot to offer existing tax and accounting firms, including those who may be looking to retire. We are one of the fastest growing companies in the region and we continue to earn many awards and recognitions for our quality and professional work.
If you would like to learn more about our company and what we stand for, then please visit our About Us page, or continue to research our website to see what drives us. You can also click here to learn more about the possibility of merging with us and you click here to contact us.
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