Small Business Stock Gain Exclusion Receives 2014 Extension


It’s not like the government to bring everyone some well-needed Christmas cheer, but the new tax bill that lawmakers were finally able to pass brought some good news for many investors before the year ends. It’s unfortunate that it took the entire year to get it done, but at least the tax provisions that did get extended will be good for the entire tax year of 2014.

One important extension affected the small business stock gain exclusion. The new act signed this last week extended the 100% exclusion for small business stock acquired in 2014. That means if the individual shareholder holds the qualified small business stock for five years, they can exclude up to the first $10 million of capital gain for Federal purposes, instead of having to hold it for 10 years before doing so. The exclusion even applies for both regular tax and the Alternative Minimum Tax (ATM).

It’s important to note that for now this extension is only good for the year 2014 and does not apply to next year’s taxes, however, Congress could vote to extend it again next year, as well. If you would like to learn about the Sec. 1202 Small Business Stock Gain, and how it works, then just click here for a detailed explanation. And feel free to contact us at GROCO with any of your tax questions by clicking here.

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