Thinking About Loaning Cash to Your Business?

Are you looking to start a business, or is your current business in need of some cash? Maybe you can’t get a loan from a bank, or maybe you would rather not use a bank. What about lending some of your own money to your company? Can you do that? Yes, you can, but you’ll need to make sure you do it right.

The first thing to be aware of is the need to document your transaction properly. If you decide to loan your business cash in order to purchase more inventory but your company defaults on the loan then you might be able to write the loan off as a business bad debt instead of a loss from an investment.

A business bad debt is helpful because it can help offset other ordinary income like interest and dividend, and W-2 income. It can also serve to create a net operating loss on your individual return in the event that your income is not high enough to offset your business loss.

There are many other aspects of lending money to your corporation and important steps you should take in order to do it right. You can learn more about the process of lending money to your corporation by clicking here. If you would like to speak with us personally then give us a call at 1-877-CPA-2006 or click here to contact us.

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