Tips to Improve Your Leadership Communication

Tips to Improve Your Leadership Communication

Here are some tips to improve your leadership communication.  One of the most important attributes any leader can possess is the ability to communicate well with others. Good leaders understand this attribute is one they need to consistently work on to continually improve. Good communication is vital for any type of leader, as he or she must manage multiple interactions within varied relationships. Any given day, a leader will likely have multiple opportunities to communicate with employees, other businesses, and clients. Therefore, how well his or her communication skills are used in each interaction will go a long way in determining their leadership success or failure.  This skill is important enough to work on developing each day; what things should you be doing in order to improve your leadership communication skills?

To more effectively communicate, there are several key tips to improve your leadership communication, but the following tips are some of the most important.


One of the best ways to improve communication is by asking questions, and the quality of those questions is significant. A vague question most often produces a vague reply or answer. You should ask thoughtful and meaningful questions to provoke productive and intelligent thoughts and answers. Good leaders realize they can always learn from others, including those they lead. Asking the right questions can help lead to the right solutions and answers you seek.


Another thing that helps improve communication is being able to control your emotions.  How you feel and the message you want to convey may be at odds with each other.  Showing your frustration at a mistake made by a team member will result in more problems. What you want to communicate is a way to resolve the situation in a calm and competent way.  The tone of your voice, the expression on your face, and your body language all portray what you truly feel and think.  With practice you can learn to control your reactions, stay calm in tough situations and stay positive, no matter how tough things look. Remember the words you speak will often weigh much less than the emotions you display.


Arguably, the most important thing to practice if you want to improve communication is learning how to listen. This goes hand in hand with and is the equally weighty part of asking the right questions. Make sure you always take the time to carefully listen to the answer when you ask a question. Avoid preparing your response while the other person is still speaking and instead truly hear and understand what he or she has to say.  It does not matter how thoughtful of a question you ask if you don’t truly hear the answer.


Some bosses are micromanagers, which most employees hate. On the other end of the spectrum, there are those bosses who are almost never seen.  It’s important to be present in your team’s activities and a big part of that is the knowledge that they can approach you whenever necessary. So, make sure you are accessible both physically and emotionally when they need you.


Lastly, if you want to improve your leadership communication skills you must know how to be emotionally intelligent. Emotional intelligence consists of several aspects, including being empathetic, calm under pressure and disciplined. Being emotionally intelligent or competent does not come automatically. It takes time to develop this ability, through experience and work. However, this is a very important part of improved leadership communication and by no means does it represent a weakness.


If you want to improve your leadership communication skills start by trying to implement these key attributes into your actions. You should find some very positive results.

We hope you found this article about Improving Leadership Communication helpful.  If you have questions or need expert tax or family office advice that’s refreshingly objective (we never sell investments), please contact us or visit our Family office page or home page  Unfortunately, we no longer give advice to other tax professionals gratis.

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