Articles & Videos

You Can Give Big and Still Save Big on Taxes

You Can Give Big and Still Save Big on Taxes

You Can Give Big and Still Save Big on Taxes Many people enjoy passing on their assets to their loved ones or donating money to charitable causes. This is a noble way to share the wealth. And it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. Many of the nation’s wealthiest individuals are among the most charitable…

Two Approaches to Dealing With Stock Market Volatility

Two Approaches to Dealing With Stock Market Volatility

Two Approaches to Dealing With Stock Market Volatility The stock market and uncertainty go hand in hand. If the market was always stable and easy to predict, there wouldn’t be any risk at all and everyone would be rich. The market is always fluctuating, but some times are much more volatile than others. For example, this…

What Core Beliefs Do Great Bosses Share?

What Core Beliefs Do Great Bosses Share? What makes a great boss, great? For starters, great bosses earn their employees trust. People want to follow great bosses because they believe in what they are doing. Great bosses also believe in those they lead. They help their people accomplish more and achieve greater successes. But what…

Is Paying Off Your Mortgage Still a Good Idea?

Is Paying Off Your Mortgage Still a Good Idea? For decades, the most common and well-accepted belief is that paying down your mortgage is a good idea. After all, the quicker you pay it off, the less money you throw away in interest payments. So it stands to reason that getting it paid off faster…

hidden taxes

Don’t Get Bit By Hidden Taxes in Retirement

Don’t Get Bit By Hidden Taxes in Retirement Just about everyone hates taxes. They’re complicated and they often seem too high for moat taxpayers. Keeping track of the constantly changing laws and regulations can be unbearable for many, as well. So what about when you retire? Things will get a lot easier when you quit…

Work from home jobs

Best 2018 Work From Home Jobs

Best 2018 Work From Home Jobs Do you have extra free time you wish you could turn into extra money? As times are changing, so are the ways to earn money! If you area stay at home mom or dad, between jobs, retired, or could just use a little extra coin, work-at-home opportunities are growing…

How to Pull True Leadership From Within

How to Pull True Leadership From Within

How to Pull True Leadership From Within Are you a natural born leader? The truth is no one is born a leader. Yes, many people do have innate leadership qualities about them. But they still have to learn how to use those qualities and attributes to become a great leader. So how do you learn…

The Rise of Big Data and What it Means for Today’s Leaders

The Rise of Big Data and What it Means for Today’s Leaders

The Rise of Big Data and What it Means for Today’s Leaders In 2016, we interviewed Shane Greenstein, author of How the Internet Became Commercial. As he laid out his arguments, it became evident that the big data revolution was imminent. The professor noted that the internet contributed significantly to data collection in the business…

Why Do Some Leaders Fail?

Why Do Some Leaders Fail?

Why Do Some Leaders Fail? Why are some leaders more successful than others? Why is it that some leaders are able to reach the pinnacle of success, while others end up on the scrap heap of leaders gone wrong? There is no secret to success. Some people figure out leadership and others don’t. But why…

Corporate America Is Buying Back Stocks at Record-Setting Pace

Corporate America Is Buying Back Stocks at Record-Setting Pace

Corporate America Is Buying Back Stocks at Record-Setting Pace If you don’t follow the stock market closely then you may have missed an ongoing trend this year. Corporate America is buying back stocks at a massive rate. In fact, these buybacks are happening at a record-setting pace. So how big are the numbers, exactly? They’re…

Simple Steps to Building a Culture Of Direct Communication

Simple Steps to Building a Culture Of Direct Communication

Simple Steps to Building a Culture Of Direct Communication How’s the communication culture where you work? Is there open and direct communication? Do employees feel like they can speak with their bosses freely? Are supervisors easily accessible and willing to listen? Or, does it feel like you never know exactly what is going on, or…

How to Take Your Small Business to the Next Level

How to Take Your Small Business to the Next Level

 How to Take Your Small Business to the Next Level Are you looking for ways to give your small business a boost? Do you want your small business to shed its “small” description? Owning and running a small business has several challenges. In many cases, you have to wear multiple hats and do most of…

Are You Prepared to Avoid the AMT Under the New Tax Law?

Are You Prepared to Avoid the AMT Under the New Tax Law?

Are You Prepared to Avoid the AMT Under the New Tax Law? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changed a lot of things. But unfortunately, it didn’t eliminate the dreaded Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). The TCJA did change some of the AMT rules and it reduced the odds that you will qualify for the…

Ready for Taxes After Marriage? Here’s What You Need to Know

Ready for Taxes After Marriage? Here’s What You Need to Know

Ready for Taxes After Marriage? Here’s What You Need to Know The 2018 tax season is officially over. Most Americans are happy to have their tax returns in the rearview mirror. After all, nobody really enjoys doing taxes. Why is that? For the most part, it’s because doing taxes is such a complicated, frustrating experience…

Are Millennials Changing How We See Leadership?

Are Millennials Changing How We See Leadership?

Are Millennials Changing How We See Leadership? Within just a few years from now, Millennials will actually become the largest employee demographic in the workforce. That means ready or not, Millennials are coming to an office near you. It also means they will soon be taking on more leadership roles. In fact, they have already…

Tips for Avoiding Wire Fraud in Your Next Real Estate Transaction

Tips for Avoiding Wire Fraud in Your Next Real Estate Transaction It is a buyer’s worst nightmare, and it could happen to almost anyone. The wire over a significant amount of money to an account as part of settlement on a real estate transaction. Hours or perhaps a day or two later, they realize that…

Will the IRS Stop States From Avoiding Tax Deduction Caps?

Will the IRS Stop States From Avoiding Tax Deduction Caps?

Will the IRS Stop States From Avoiding Tax Deduction Caps? By far, one of the most controversial aspects of the new Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) has been the reduction in the state and local income tax deduction. This has long been an important deduction for many people. Being able to deduct your state…

Principle Based Leadership

Principle Based Leadership

Principle Based Leadership Transformational Leadership Series: What is a leader? Or better, what is a leader’s role in an organization? If the answers to these questions could be culminated to one single sentence it would be: to execute the mission of the organization in the most efficient, effective, and ethical manner, at the highest level.…

Tax Overhaul Lead to a bear market; WEALTH & TAX ANALYSIS

Could the Recent Tax Overhaul Lead to a Bear Market?

Could the Recent Tax Overhaul Lead to a Bear Market? It took years to get there, but the major tax reform set in motion, and eventually passed into law by Republican lawmakers in Washington has had a profound affect on the stock market. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) has already given a big…

how to boost employee engagement

How to Boost Employee Engagement With One Simple Practice

How to Boost Employee Engagement With One Simple Practice Any manager, business owner, or company leader will tell you they would like to improve employee engagement. Employee engagement, after all, is a vital part of any company’s success. However, this is much easier said than done. Performance reviews are old fashion and typically make employees…