Articles & Videos
How to demonstrate mutual respect in the workplace
Definition: Mutual Respect Mutual respect should be at the core of any true principle-based leader. Mutual respect is the recognition that two or more individuals have valuable/important contributions to make in a relationship. Benefit: Mutual Respect When an individual demonstrates mutual respect, they show that they not only care for others, they also care for…
Are You a Leader Worth Following?
A Leader Worth Following Are you a leader worth following? Remember “Follow the Leader”, that game we all played as kids? It was a simple game that most small children really enjoyed. Back then you didn’t give much thought to whether or not you should follow the leader. And the leader didn’t give much thought…
Do You Know These Key Leadership Secrets?
Do You Know These Key Leadership Secrets? Is there a magic formula to becoming a good leader? Well, in reality no, there isn’t. However, there are some hidden secrets that you should know about if you want to lead successfully. Because most people are not just “born leaders.” They have to earn it. A Lateral…
Are You Increasing Your Chances of an Audit?
Are You Increasing Your Chances of an Audit? Audit. It’s the dreaded “A” word at tax time. The word can send chills down almost any taxpayers’ spine. Being audited by the IRS is not a pleasant experience. But if you’re ever selected for an audit, it’s not the end of the world. You can get…
Can You Transfer Bitcoin Tax-Free?
Can You Transfer Bitcoin Tax-Free? As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity the number of questions about them grow, too. For example, how do cryptocurrencies work with taxes? There are all kinds of questions regarding taxes and digital currencies and the answers aren’t always plain and clear. But if you happen to own…
Is the Stock Market Headed for Another Crash?
Is the Stock Market Headed for Another Crash? Since President Trump took office a little more than a year ago, the stock market has been somewhat of a conundrum. Initially it was all good news, as the market reached high-water marks never seen before. However, lately it has been a rollercoaster ride, with big swings…
You got your Refund, Now What?
You got your Refund, Now What? Tax Day has come and gone and now many Americans are anxiously awaiting their refunds. While a vast majority of Americans have already received their state and federal income tax refunds (with the exceptions being those that were late filers). With that extra cash now padding their pockets it’s…
Don’t Confuse Fact With Fiction Come Tax Time
Don’t Confuse Fact With Fiction Come Tax Time Are you one of the tens of millions of people who have already done their taxes? Or, are you one of those taxpayers that like to wait till the very end? Either way, there are some important facts to keep in mind, whether for this year, or…
Is Cryptocurrency Just a Big Pyramid Scheme?
Is Cryptocurrency Just a Big Pyramid Scheme? So what’s new in the world of cryptocurrency? That all depends on the day. In fact, sometimes things can change hourly with digital currencies. Just do a quick Google search and chances are you’ll find all kinds of stories about crypto. For example, we just did that very…
IRS Looking Closely at Coinbase Accounts for Tax Dodgers
IRS Looking Closely at Coinbase Accounts for Tax Dodgers Cryptocurrency owners with Coinbase accounts beware. If you hadn’t already heard by now, then consider this your fair warning. The IRS is coming after Coinbase accounts in search of possible tax cheats. Coinbase is the largest U.S. platform for exchanging cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, with close to…
Make Tax Time Retirement Saving Time
Make Tax Time Retirement Saving Time Tax time is a great time to do a little retirement planning. Even if you already have a retirement plan set up, you can give that plan a boost at tax time. The problem is, many taxpayers aren’t aware of the savvy tax moves that will help with both…
Ready to Start Investing? Here’s How
Ready to Start Investing? Here’s Howv Are you still sitting on the sidelines when it cones to investing? Of course, not everyone is in a position to start investing. But if you are, and you haven’t started, then what are you waiting for? Investing is one of the smartest things you can do in terms…
The 1031 Exchange: A Powerful Tool for Deferring Taxes
The 1031 Exchange: A Powerful Tool for Deferring Taxes Sec. 1031 exchange activity has picked up considerably in recent years, as real estate sellers facing significant capital gains look for opportunities to soften the tax blow. By exchanging real property for other real property of “like kind,” owners can defer capital gains taxes until the…
Self-Directed IRAs: Handle With Care
Self-Directed IRAs: Handle With Care IRAs – both traditional and Roth – are powerful tools for financial, retirement, and estate planning. But what if you’re not satisfied with your IRA’s performance? One way to “turbocharge” its benefits is to use a “self-directed” IRA, which is permitted to hold alternative investments that offer higher potential returns.…
Obtaining Financing
Obtaining Financing Whether you are a small or medium size business, the process of obtaining a loan is similar. Commercial lenders are interested in: The purpose of the loan. With a seasonal loan, for example, the borrower is able to pay the loan back when inventories and receivables decline after a seasonal surge in business,…
The Keys to Helping New Leaders Find Their Niche
The Keys to Helping New Leaders Find Their Niche The process to become a good leader is exactly that. A process. It doesn’t usually happen overnight. Good leaders have to learn and develop their skills and abilities and then hone them as they practice them. That takes time and experience. Sometimes there are bumps in…
What Happens to the AMT in 2018
What Happens to the AMT in 2018? As the dust is now settled on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, one glaring tax has remained standing, with relatively few changes. The alternative minimum tax or AMT. The first “minimum” tax started with the passing of the Tax Reform Act of 1969. With it was announced…
Is Cryptocurrency Really Secure?
Is Cryptocurrency Really Secure? If you’ve been following the cryptocurrency market then no doubt you’re aware of the volatility of this digital currency. You’ve already seen the massive swings that Bitcoin, Ripple and others have taken over the past several months. Although the big jumps and crashes have made most of the cryptocurrency headlines. There…
How Will New Tax Reform Affect Divorce in the Coming Year?
How Will New Tax Reform Affect Divorce in the Coming Year? No one plans on getting divorced when they decide to tie the knot. Love will conquer all, right? Unfortunately, that’s not how things work and about half of all marriages still end in divorce. Divorce is almost never pleasant and any couple that decides…
Tax Reform Brings New Changes to Section 1202
Tax Reform Brings New Changes to Section 1202 Tax reform is here, love it or hate it. So, with the New Year here that means it’s time to start working under different tax law. To be clear, the 2017 tax year, for which you will file a return this year, is not affected by the…