Articles & Videos

Asking for Help Is Not a Sign of Weak Leadership

Asking for Help Is Not a Sign of Weak Leadership

Can leaders be strong and humble at the same time? Is it possible for a leader to command respect if he or she has to ask for help? For many years, asking for help was considered a sign of weakness. Leaders were expected to know everything and be capable of doing anything. If a leader…

Latest Trends in East and West Coast Family Offices

Latest Trends in East and West Coast Family Offices

Latest Trends in East and West Coast Family Offices Key Takeaways from this Video • Luxury Investments such as cars and gems can be positioned in such a way that family offices are not required to pay sales tax upon purchasing the item. (2:01) • A lot of the wealth creation in for family offices…

Asking for Help Is Not a Sign of Weak Leadership

What to Do About Those Missing W2’s

What to Do About Those Missing W2’s If you still haven’t started your taxes this year, then what are you waiting for? There are numerous reasons to file your taxes early, including: Getting your refund sooner If you owe money, having more time to pay it off before the deadline Preventing scammers from stealing your…

Answers to the Most Common Tax Return Questions for 2019

Answers to the Most Common Tax Return Questions for 2019

Answers to the Most Common Tax Return Questions for 2019 It’s that time of year when thousands of taxpayers have all kinds of questions. In fact, this year there could be even more questions than normal, thanks to the Tax Cut and Jobs Act. So what do you if you have a lot of questions?…

Why Your Income Taxes Could Rise in 2020

Why Your Income Taxes Could Rise in 2020

Why Your Income Taxes Could Rise in 2020 Can you believe you might be paying more in taxes in 2020? How is that possible? The Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) was supposed to reduce nearly everyone’s taxes, right? It’s true that the TCJA did cut federal income taxes for most taxpayers. However, that doesn’t…

Why Are Some Americans Who Underpaid Taxes Getting a Reprieve?

Why Are Some Americans Who Underpaid Taxes Getting a Reprieve?

Why Are Some Americans Who Underpaid Taxes Getting a Reprieve? The IRS has a reputation of being somewhat of a stickler when people underpay on their taxes, and with good reason. The agency has earned that reputation over the years, going after what seems like every last penny taxpayers owe. In fact, the IRS even…

Top Reasons to Get Your Taxes Done Early

Top Reasons to Get Your Taxes Done Early

Top Reasons to Get Your Taxes Done Early The 2019 tax season is set to kick off next week. That means now is not the time to be a procrastinator. Millions of taxpayers hate this time of year. So instead of filing their returns early, they put their taxes in the back of their mind.…

Three Ways to Improve Your Leadership Potential

Three Ways to Improve Your Leadership Potential

Three Ways to Improve Your Leadership Potential For anyone who desires to be a leader, it can be very difficult to sit back and watch others get promoted ahead of him or her. People are not always put in positions of leadership based on ability or credentials. Often, some of the best potential leaders get…

Which Tax Deductions Are Available This Tax Season?

Which Tax Deductions Are Available This Tax Season?

Which Tax Deductions Are Available This Tax Season? Tax time has officially started. That means, if you haven’t already, it’s time to gather up all your important tax documents and information. It might also be a good time to hire an experienced accountant. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act will play a huge role in…

Tax Season Means Scam Season: What to Watch for

Tax Season Means Scam Season: What to Watch for

Tax Season Means Scam Season: What to Watch for Tax season means a lot of things. It means organized taxpayers are already preparing their returns and getting ready for their refunds. It means disorganized taxpayers are scrambling to find everything they need just to start their returns. It means accountants are busy helping both organized…

How the Falling Market Could Help You Save in Retirement

How the Falling Market Could Help You Save in Retirement

How the Falling Market Could Help You Save in Retirement The falling stock market has been a real downer for most investors to watch. The massive drops, as well as the volatile nature of the market in recent weeks and months, have left many investors trembling. But as with most bad news, there might be…

Your Chances of Being Audited Continue to Decline

  What’s the scariest possible outcome of filing your taxes? Almost anyone would answer that question with “being audited.” Being audited by the IRS is never fun. Fortunately, it’s something that most people will never have to experience. The fact is the IRS actually audits very few returns all things considered. Furthermore, the IRS also…


How Will Tax Changes Affect Upper Middle Class?

How Will Tax Changes Affect Upper Middle Class? The 2019 tax season is almost here. It officially starts next week. And the Tax Cut and Jobs Act figures to play a huge role in how this year’s tax season plays out. With so many changes, there are sure to be many questions and surprises for…

How to Retire as a Millionaire

How to Retire as a Millionaire

How to Retire as a Millionaire “If I had a million dollars” is a popular song by the group Barenaked Ladies. For most people it’s simply a dream. Becoming a millionaire remains an “if” forever. But what if you could really become a millionaire? Is it really out of the realm of possibility? The fact…

Should I Invest or Pay off My Debt?Should I Invest or Pay off My Debt?

Should I Invest or Pay off My Debt?

Should I Invest or Pay off My Debt? When was the last time you had a significant amount of disposable income? Maybe when you were 12 and you got a nice check from your grandparents for your birthday. Or maybe it was the last time you got a fat tax refund. For most people, disposable…

Six Common Daily Habits of Professional Leaders

Six Common Daily Habits of Professional Leaders

Six Common Daily Habits of Professional Leaders Leadership in the workplace comes in many different styles and forms. Not all people in positions of leadership have the necessary skills to excel at their position. To be successful in business leadership you have to develop and hone numerous talents, abilities and attributes. Some professional leaders are…

These Illegal Tax Moves Could Cost You Big

These Illegal Tax Moves Could Cost You Big

These Illegal Tax Moves Could Cost You Big Everybody fibs on his or her taxes right? What’s a few dollars here and there? The IRS will never notice it. While it’ true that many taxpayers alter the real numbers on their tax returns and get away with it, honesty is always the best policy. Cutting…

Tax Filing Issues Have Jumped Greatly in 2019

Tax Filing Issues Have Jumped Greatly in 2019

Tax Filing Issues Have Jumped Greatly in 2019 Much of the news this tax-filing season has been about the changes in tax law, as well as the average refund amount. But there are other tax filing issues making news. In fact, that’s the exact problem. The 2019 tax season has been full of issues.  According to statistics from the…

What Makes a Boss Truly Great?

What Makes a Boss Truly Great?

What Makes a Boss Truly Great? How do you feel about your boss? If you’re a boss, how do your employees feel about you? In reality, the term boss doesn’t have the greatest connotation. That being said, some people still have great “bosses.” But what makes a boss, or a leader, great?  Great companies offer their…

Will This Tax Season Cause Even More Stress Than Normal?

Will This Tax Season Cause Even More Stress Than Normal?

Will This Tax Season Cause Even More Stress Than Normal? Life is full of stress. And tax season can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Plus, with the new tax changes this year, things could get even more complicated for many taxpayers. It’s enough to blow your mind and send you…