Articles & Videos
How Will Billion Dollar Lottery Winner Fair Under New Tax Law?
How Will Billion Dollar Lottery Winner Fair Under New Tax Law? What would you do if you won $1.5 billion dollars? That’s exactly what happened for one ultra lucky individual in October. The life of the winner of the largest single ticket jackpot in history will never be the same. What about his or her…
What a $1000 Investment in Tesla 8 Years Ago Is Worth Now
Have you ever fancied yourself zooming around in a Tesla? Perhaps you already own one of these amazing vehicles. You might even own stock in the company. Many Tesla drivers have also invested in the company. So what is that investment worth? At the time of this writing, Tesla Shares were worth roughly $320 each. No doubt that…
Are All Fines Non-Deductible?
Are All Fines Non-Deductible? A few weeks ago Elon Muck made some big news when he got in trouble with the SEC. The agency investigated the Tesla CEO after he made public comments about possibly taking the company private. There was even talk he could be ousted from Tesla. In the end, he was able to keep his post…
Could You Claim a Tax Credit for Your Nanny?
Could You Claim a Tax Credit for Your Nanny? Although tax laws have certainly changed under the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, there are still numerous tax credits available. Some of these credits are obvious. But there are several you might be overlooking. For example, did you hire or use a nanny throughout the year? Many high net worth…
Incoming House Democrats Win First Tax Battle
Incoming House Democrats Win First Tax Battle The calendar year has not yet changed, which means newly elected members of the House and Senate have yet to officially take their seats in the Nation’s Capitol. However, House democrats are already busy making changes in preparation for the new year. And one of their top priorities is raising taxes. Newly elected democrats are taking…
What’s the Biggest Mistake Young Investors Make?
What’s the Biggest Mistake Young Investors Make? There are all kinds of investors and there are even more investing strategies. There are also just as many possible mistakes you can make as an investor. Those who’ve been in the stock market a long time have likely seen it all. And if they’ve had any kind of sustainable success…
This Could Be the Year to Stop Itemizing Your Deductions
This Could Be the Year to Stop Itemizing Your Deductions Tax season is just about here again. That means millions of people are getting ready to gather up all their financial information for the year 2018 and file their returns. This year will be like no other, thanks to the Tax Cut and Jobs Act. One of…
Why Are Wealthy Families Turning Their Noses on Hedge Funds?
Why Are Wealthy Families Turning Their Noses on Hedge Funds? Many investors look to see what the wealthy are doing when it comes time to get into the stock market. After all, these investors are wealthy because they’ve played the market right. For years, many of the wealthiest investors in the country have hedged their…
These Two Phrases Are Signs of Weak Leadership
These Two Phrases Are Signs of Weak Leadership Good leaders and bad leaders have many differences. Effective leaders tend to do things well, while ineffective leaders often don’t. However, it’s interesting to note that both kinds of leaders make mistakes. No one is perfect. What sets these two kinds of leaders apart is how they…
In Which Leadership Traits Do Women Rank Higher Than Men?
In Which Leadership Traits Do Women Rank Higher Than Men? Men and women are different. Neither is better than the other, and they both excel at different things. Sometimes women are better at certain things than men, and the opposite is also true. So what about when it comes to leadership? Which things do women rank higher in…
What’s New With the Alternative Minimum Tax?
What’s New With the Alternative Minimum Tax? The Tax Cut and Jobs Act affected numerous portions of the nation’s tax law. However, one part that hasn’t been discussed much is its effect on the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). The AMT has been around since 1969 and its purpose has always been to make sure that…
The 5 Must-Have Leadership Traits for Executives
The 5 Must-Have Leadership Traits for Executives If you’re in an executive position then it’s a given that you’re a leader, right? Well, in reality, just because you carry an executive title that doesn’t make you a true leader. In fact, in order to be a real leader, you need to develop and cultivate certain traits…
Beyond the Game: How One Coach Helps Provide Better Socioeconomic Opportunities For Her Team.
Rose Shoen is a semi pro soccer player in the Women’s Premier Soccer league. She received all star selection in 2016 and 2017. She also holds a C national USSF coaching license and founded her own men’s soccer franchise, Azteca FC in 2013. She is the only female owner/manager/coach in the San Francisco Soccer Football League’s history. Rose also works coaching high school youth from low income minority groups with the objective to help them receive college scholarships. Many of these players
Muse Me: Making “Old Art” Cool | Heather Gokhman
Heather Gokhman is a member of the International Society of Appraisers, holds a Masters degree in Art Business from Sotheby’s Institute of Art in New York City, and a Bachelors degree in Art History from the University of Southern California. Prior to opening State of the Art Appraisals, Heather was a partner at EG Art Brokers, a fine art appraisal and auction brokering company and Assistant Director at contemporary art gallery, Avran Art, in Laguna Beach. Heather has also worked at Montgomery
Transforming Ag Extensions in India: A Moment with Rikin Gandhi of Digital Green
Rikin Gandhi is chief executive officer of Digital Green. Rikin’s interests include sustainable agriculture and technology for socioeconomic development. He co-founded Digital Green as a research project in Microsoft Research India’s Technology for Emerging Markets team and now leads the spin-off of Digital Green that works to amplify the effectiveness of agricultural development globally. Rikin is a licensed private pilot and received patents for linguistic search algorithms that he helped
Why Venture Capital is Exciting and Rewarding | Robin Li
Robin Li is a VP at the GGV Capital Silicon Valley office. She focuses on investments in ecommerce and consumer internet. She is a member of the board of directors for Lively and is actively involved with Boxed, Bustle, Function of Beauty,, Ibotta, OfferUp, Poshmark, Xiaohongshu, Yamibuy, and more.Prior to joining GGV, Robin worked at Flextronics’ Venture Arm covering hardware and technology investments and at Qiming’s Beijing office. Before venture capital, she spent three years at
Gaining the Trust and Confidence of those Around You
Gaining the Trust and Confidence of those Around You Whether it be in business or everyday life trust and confidence are key ways of how we interact with others. Building trust with your boss could land you that next promotion or show people that you are someone they can count on or could open doors…
Use These Helpful Tips Now to Make Next Year’s Taxes Easier
Use These Helpful Tips Now to Make Next Year’s Taxes Easier The 2018 Tax season has come and gone. By now you’ve probably already forgotten about them. However, if you want to get ahead on next year’s taxes, now is the perfect time to start. The more prepared you are, the easier tax filing will…
What Sets Confident People Apart?
What Sets Confident People Apart? What makes someone successful? Successful people have many positive attributes, but what really sets them apart from others is confidence. Those who have confidence are more likely to succeed than those with self-doubt. That’s really a no-brainer, right? But what makes confident people different? Well, you can start with some…
The Best Way to Deliver Criticism
The Best Way to Deliver Criticism If done in the wrong way, criticism can break a relationship or leave someone feeling bad or upset. When critiquing, you want to avoid these negative emotions at all cost, after all criticizing is meant to help someone improve, not bring them down. Is there a way to criticize…