Tax Rate Guide for 2013 and 2014

Tax Rate Guide for 2013 and 2014 Standard Mileage Rates Corporate Tax Rate Schedule Individual Tax Rate Schedules Standard Deductions/Personal Exemptions Capital Gains and Dividends Taxed as Net Capital Gain AMT Tax Brackets Tax Rate Schedules for Estates and Trusts Applicable Exclusion Amount for Estate Tax Lifetime Exclusion Amount for Gift Tax Gift Tax Annual…

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The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening “Understand in order to be understood” is a piece of advice that I have often heard. In order to be a successful leader, you need to care about the individuals who are under your direction. So, how do you accomplish that? You listen to them. Listening is an art that many…

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Learning to Lead by Example

Learning to Lead by Example

Learning to Lead by Example Each morning, the mirror reminds us of at least one person whose motives should meet all of our expectations. There is no limit to what an army of these individuals can accomplish. As you live your life if a way in which you are daily striving to reach your full…

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America Taking Money From Its New Citizens?

America Taking Money From Its New Citizens?

America Taking Money From Its New Citizens? According to various government reports, there are literally trillions of dollars being hidden in offshore accounts by Americans who don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. Of course, everyone should have to pay his or her fair share to Uncle Sam, but no one should be…

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Where Can You Find the World’s Best Tax Havens?

Where Can You Find the World’s Best Tax Havens?

Where Can You Find the World’s Best Tax Havens? What’s your next vacation location: the Caribbean Tahiti, Bermuda, Belize, the Virgin Islands, or perhaps the Cayman Islands? These are all great choices and many of the world’s wealthiest individuals not only get to travel to these exotic locations on a regular basis, but many of…

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Trusts for Children

Trusts for Children

Trusts for Children There is a new message that the very wealthy are delivering to their children, a message heard more and more often. And it is a message that could just as well be delivered to the children of parents with somewhat more humble accumulations of assets. To state it bluntly, the message is:…

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Estate Planning for Highly Appreciated Stocks

Estate Planning for Highly Appreciated Stocks

Estate Planning for Highly Appreciated Stocks Despite the market reversals of 2000-2001, large unrealized gains still reside in many longheld stock portfolios built up during the record 1982-1999 expansion. How do such assets fit into an estate plan? Advantages over estate transfers Many estate plans include a program of regular gifts. From a tax perspective,…

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Republicans Looking to Cut Back on IRS Budget Even More

Republicans Looking to Cut Back on IRS Budget Even More

Republicans Looking to Cut Back on IRS Budget Even More The IRS is no one’s favorite agency; however, when it comes to political parties the democrats are definitely friendlier with the IRS than the republicans. Things have been on a steady decline between the IRS and republicans ever since it was discovered that the IRS…

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