Don Howard – CEO of The James Irvine Foundation

Don Howard

Interview Transcript of Don Howard – CEO of The James Irvine Foundation: Alan Olsen: Welcome back and busy here today with Don Howard. Welcome to today’s show.   Don Howard: Thanks for having me, Alan   Alan Olsen: So Don, for the listener-ship can you give some background of what led you up to where…

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Venture Capital Alternative for Technology Entrepreneurs

Venture Capital Alternative for Technology Entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur with a small technology based company looking to take it to the next level, this article suggests an alternative that may be of particular interest to you. Your natural inclination may be to seek venture capital or private equity to fund your growth. According to Jim Casparie, founder and CEO…

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“Values-based” Estate Planning

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] There are many facets of estate planning. Certainly, it’s important to craft a will that delineates how the fruits of years of hard work will be distributed to your loved ones—fairly and harmoniously. And, of course, crafting strategies that will maximize what you pass on at the minimum tax cost is an important goal.…

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Will Contests: A Good Offense is the Best Defense

Will Contests: A Good Offense is the Best Defense When an elderly grandmother leaves all of her assets to a new beau, or Dad leaves everything to the child who visited most in the nursing home, a will challenge may be in the offing. Will contests generally are brought by unhappy family members who feel…

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Estate Planning Can Protect Your Wealth From Obamacare

Estate Planning Can Protect Your Wealth From Obamacare

Have you considered that estate planning can protect your wealth from Obamacare? What if everything you worked for in life, was handed over to the government the moment that you were about to give it to your heirs? Unfortunately this nightmare could be a reality if you don’t plan against it. Obamacare has expanded Medicaid,…

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Building an Estate Planning Team

Building an Estate Planning Team

Building an Estate Planning Team To create an estate plan that serves your unique needs and that will execute your wishes as to the distribution of your assets is an important and, often, a complex task. Such professionals usually have honed their skills in their own specific fields. Sound estate planning is built upon a…

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Ten Ways to Involve Your Children in Philanthropy

Ten Ways to Involve Your Children in Philanthropy

Ten Ways to Involve Your Children in Philanthropy Derek Ferriera and Martin Johnson Updated: 5/23/2013 Through your own philanthropic generosity—whether volunteering, supporting a charity as a benefactor, attending fundraisers or setting up a family foundation—you are educating your children about your values and teaching them to be generous. While you may identify your philanthropic values…

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Private Equity and Venture Capital Financing Structures


Private Equity and Venture Capital Financing Structures By Joseph B. LaRocco There are several structures that Private Equity funds (also known as venture capital funds) use when they give the green light to fund a company. The basic structures for private companies are common stock and convertible preferred stock. These structures usually contain an anti-dilution…

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Making a Difference | Sharlene Wells Hawkes

Sharlene Wells Hawkes

  About Sharlene Wells Hawkes Sharlene Hawkes was previously VP of Communications with Monarch Health Sciences where she was responsible for all corporate brand communications. Additionally, she was one of the first women to work for ESPN and worked as an award-winning sportscaster nearly 15 years, covering such events as World Cup Soccer, the Kentucky…

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