California LLC Laws And IRS Identity Theft Reporting

A discussion on the tax history of LLC entities in California as well as information on the IRS’s Fraud Reporting Division
15 Ways to Improve Your Cash Flow Now
15 Ways to Improve Your Cash Flow Now By Howard Fletcher Cash management theory and techniques are well understood and practiced by treasury managers in large corporations. They use sophisticated models and cash management tools that allow them to predict and manage cash. Many of these are beyond the reach or need of small companies.…
Survey: Biggest Challenges Facing California Businesses
Survey: Biggest Challenges Facing California Businesses A recent survey was conducted to determine what business owners in California thought the biggest challenges facing their businesses were. Out of 1500 questionnaires, these are the percentage of respondents who checked off a box next to each challenge. (Respondents were allowed to select more than one box, so…
5 Strategies to Successful Cash Flow Management
5 Strategies to Successful Cash Flow Management By John Reddish How can you predict, avoid and/or, minimize the impact of a cash emergency? Managing cash flow is every manager’s challenge, every day, every year. Those managers who keep a close eye on their daily activity and emerging industry trends can help reduce their company’s exposure…
15 Tips to Streamline Your Business and Become Profitable in 2007
15 Tips to Streamline Your Business and Become Profitable in 2007 By Julian Stone Here are some tips to help you ‘cut the fat’ and improve the productivity of your business. If you apply a few of these, you’re well on your way to achieving greater profit and creating less stress! Cut the SlackersCut the…