California LLC Laws And IRS Identity Theft Reporting

The Biden Administration Corporate Tax Proposal

A discussion on the tax history of LLC entities in California as well as information on the IRS’s Fraud Reporting Division

Stanford University-School Of Engineering | Richard Dasher

Stanford University-School Of Engineering | Richard Dasher

Stanford University-School Of Engineering | Richard Dasher   Alan Welcome back. I’m here today with Richard Dasher. He’s a PhD from Stanford University where he serves the roles of director of the US Asia Technology Management Center. And he’s also the executive director at the Center for Integrated Systems and consulting. Welcome to the show.…

Situational Leadership | Tim Kearin

Situational Leadership | Tim Kearin

Episode Transcript of: Situational Leadership | Tim Kearin Alan In the book, you turn you talk about learning to apply situational leadership. Now, my understanding is that as you and can begin working together with all the leadership books that he wrote, you didn’t really realize what this was about. Can you expand on that?…

Ken Epstein; Doing Business In China | Kenneth Epstein

Doing Business In China | Kenneth Epstein

  Episode transcript of: Doing Business In China | Kenneth Epstein Alan Olsen: Entrepreneurs that are wanting to do business in China, if they are bringing intellectual property, I’ve heard mixed stories here, what is your take on bringing your intellectual property into China? Kenneth Epstein: Well, its a challenge but it can be done, and…

Joan Lemahieu

Team Building | Joan LeMahieu

Episode Transcript of: Team Building | Joan LeMahieu Alan Welcome back. And with Joan LeMahieu, who here at currently the Director at City Beach. John, welcome to today’s show. Joan LeMahieu Thank you, Alan. It’s a pleasure to be here. Alan So John, can you tell me about yourself? Joan LeMahieu Well, that’s a wide…