California LLC Laws And IRS Identity Theft Reporting

The Biden Administration Corporate Tax Proposal

A discussion on the tax history of LLC entities in California as well as information on the IRS’s Fraud Reporting Division

Peter Panos; Panos Aristakessian; The Master Tailor

The Master Tailor | Panos Aristakessian

  About “Peter” Panos Aristakessian As a young boy Peter attended on of the finest tailoring houses in Beirut Lebanon. Driven from the country due to genocide Peter eventually found himself living in San Francisco. With only a little more than $2 in his pocket he began knocking doors seeking to demonstrate his skill in…

Bradley Bateman

Building Stronger Structures and Character | Bradley Bateman

  About Bradley Bateman CEO Bradley Bateman has extensive history with Dome Technology. Many years ago prior to starting his engineering degree, he worked for the company as a member of the dome construction crew. As a laborer “I really fell in love with the process and the product and have been an advocate ever…

Tom Chatham

Chatham Created Gems and Diamonds | Tom Chatham

  About Carroll Chatham In the 1920’s, Carroll Chatham at the age of 12 built his first gem growing laboratory in his family’s garage. By 1938 he had mastered growing emeralds and went on to growing rubies, sapphires and other precious stones. In 1965, his son Tom Chatham joined him in business and was eventually…

Jump Gaming - Indie Gaming Platform | Anthony Palma

Jump Gaming – Indie Gaming Platform

Transcript, Jump Gaming – Indie Gaming Platform | Anthony Palma   Alan Welcome back. I’m here today with Anthony Palma. He’s the founder and the CEO of Jump. Anthony, welcome to today’s show. Anthony Thanks for having me, Alan. Alan So Anthony, for the listeners, can you give us the background of, you know how…