California LLC Laws And IRS Identity Theft Reporting

The Biden Administration Corporate Tax Proposal

A discussion on the tax history of LLC entities in California as well as information on the IRS’s Fraud Reporting Division

Armen Berjikly; Online Emotional Analytics | Armen Berjikly

Online Emotional Analytics | Armen Berjikly

  About Armen Berjikly Mr. Armen Berjikly founded Kanjoya Inc.(formerly Experience Project, Inc.), in 2007, and currently serves as its Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Berjikly graduated with honors from Stanford University, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, and a Master’s Degree in Management Science and Engineering. Berjikly’s honors include being one of the youngest…

Doug Scrivner

Transitioning Accenture | Douglas Scrivner

  About Douglas Scrivner Doug Scrivner, former General Counsel of Accenture, retired in 2011 after 31 years with the company and 14 years as General Counsel. During his tenure, he built a legal group of over 400 lawyers in 35 countries and also over saw the company’s government relations function and served as Corporate Secretary,…

Dean Sivara; Power of Innovation

Power of Innovation | Dean Sivara

Power of Innovation About Dean Sivara Dean is the Vice President of Innovation & New Businesses, in the Products & Innovation Group. The Innovation and New Businesses practice is one of SAP’s global incubation and commercialization engines, looking to capitalize on industry disruptions and building new businesses in adjacent markets. The Innovation group evaluates new…

Sherri Stoneberger

Real Estate 101 | Sherri Stoneberger

  About Sherri Stoneberger Stonberger received her foundation of work ethics. growing up on a family farm in Oklahoma. She attended college at the University of Central Oklahoma, earning a degree in human development, with a physical education minor. After graduation she became a military wife and eventually settled in the Mission, Fremont area where…