California LLC Laws And IRS Identity Theft Reporting

A discussion on the tax history of LLC entities in California as well as information on the IRS’s Fraud Reporting Division
How the Wealthy Start Charitable Foundations
How the Wealthy Start Charitable Foundations Many of the world’s wealthiest individuals share many common traits and life experiences. They also share a common interest in using their wealth for good. Some of the world’s greatest how to start a charitable foundation was founded by some of the wealthiest people, including Bill and Melinda Gates,…
Top 7 Traits of Successful Business Leaders
Top 7 Traits of Successful Business Leaders What does it take to become a successful leader in business? There are many traits that people associate with being a good business leader, but some are more important than others. Ultimately, if you want to end up being good at being in charge you will almost certainly…
Why More Indian Entrepreneurs Are Joining the Jet Set
Why More Indian Entrepreneurs Are Joining the Jet Set Although the exact numbers aren’t known, there are roughly 12,500 private business jet owners in the world, with the majority of these aircraft based in the United States. Clearly, that’s a very small percentage of the population. Of course, the percentage of people that can afford…
How the Wealthy Use Their Charitable Foundations for Good
How the Wealthy Use Their Charitable Foundations for Good What do Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Allen, Gordon Moore, and Michael Bloomberg have in common? Of course, they are all among the world’s wealthiest individuals, but these men also have something else in common. They’re all on the list of the world’s most generous people.…