Cryptocurrency, US National Debt & IRS Scam Calls 01.29.19
Join us this week as we discuss how the IRS is treating Cryptocurrency, Why the US actually has over $200 Trillion in national debt and how to know if a phone call from the IRS is real or a scam. For questions regarding these or other tax issues you may have please contact me at 510-797-8661
Use Your Hobby to Make Some Extra Cash
Photography Many people love photography, and many people are very good at it. This is one hobby that a lot of people have turned into an extra source of income. With so many websites that sell photos, you can make some extra money if you know how to get an image just right. Dog…
Top 10 States With the Highest Taxes
Top 10 States With the Highest Taxes No one enjoys paying taxes and just about everyone feels like they pay too much. However, there are definitely some people that pay more than others, like the nation’s top 1 percent of earners for example. However, when it comes to high tax rates, how much you earn…
The Inspiration for LinkedIn
The Inspiration for LinkedIn with Konstantin Guericke, co-founder of LinkedIn “When you need an investor, or business partner, its usually not someone who you know, but it’s often someone who you know knows” –Konstantin Guericke, Co-Founder of LinkedIn “I am a social architect with a passion for exploring the intersection of psychology, sociology and computing.…