Impact Payments For Deceased People & PPP’s 8 Week Spending Problem
Forbes: The IRS Wants Its Money Back – Stimulus Checks Made To Dead Taxpayers Must Be Returned
How to spend PPP loan proceeds:
Tips for Spending PPP Loan Proceeds and Maximizing Loan Forgiveness
U.S. House Postpones new $1T coronavirus relief vote until Friday:
Deductibility of PPP Loan related expenses:,%20RW,%20RN%20to%20Treasury%20(PPP%20Business%20Deductions).pdf
State of California Budget – This all has to updated for the COVID-19 Catastrophe:
Budgeting For Your Business
Budgeting For Your Business “Your business opportunities improve with the use of a budget, a powerful tool which assists you in achieving your financial goals.” Introduction: A well-designed budget helps you: Predict income and expenses Control cash flow Communicate financial goals As an entrepreneur, you may not have the time or financial expertise to establish…
Deducting Start-Up Expenses: An Open Or Shut Case
Deducting Start-Up Expenses Starting a business typically takes more than a little know-how. More often than not, it requires cold, hard cash. However, there is some good news — you may qualify for a little help from Uncle Sam in the form of a tax deduction for some of your start- up costs. The costs,…
Putting Kids to the Test
Putting Kids to the Test by Elizabeth Bowden-David This past week, my father-in-law called up my husband to give him an earnest admonition. Referring to Cicero, he said: “Understand that is it your duty to give your children a better education than you had.” I’m not sure what prompted him to remind us of this…
Survive the Recession by Starting Your Own Business
Survive the Recession by Starting Your Own Business Are you an entrepreneur at heart? Many Americans idolize the American Dream; the “get rich quick” mentality. But, how many make it happen? Starting a business requires hard work, and even then it is not guaranteed that it will succeed. In fact, in the US, only 51%…