Impact Payments For Deceased People & PPP’s 8 Week Spending Problem

The Biden Administration Corporate Tax Proposal

Forbes: The IRS Wants Its Money Back – Stimulus Checks Made To Dead Taxpayers Must Be Returned

How to spend PPP loan proceeds:

Tips for Spending PPP Loan Proceeds and Maximizing Loan Forgiveness

U.S. House Postpones new $1T coronavirus relief vote until Friday:

Deductibility of PPP Loan related expenses:,%20RW,%20RN%20to%20Treasury%20(PPP%20Business%20Deductions).pdf

State of California Budget – This all has to updated for the COVID-19 Catastrophe:

Do You Know These Key Leadership Secrets?

Do You Know These Key Leadership Secrets?

Do You Know These Key Leadership Secrets? Is there a magic formula to becoming a good leader? Well, in reality no, there isn’t. However, there are some hidden secrets that you should know about if you want to lead successfully. Because most people are not just “born leaders.” They have to earn it. A Lateral…


Are You Increasing Your Chances of an Audit?

Are You Increasing Your Chances of an Audit? Audit. It’s the dreaded “A” word at tax time. The word can send chills down almost any taxpayers’ spine. Being audited by the IRS is not a pleasant experience. But if you’re ever selected for an audit, it’s not the end of the world. You can get…


Can You Transfer Bitcoin Tax-Free?

Can You Transfer Bitcoin Tax-Free? As Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity the number of questions about them grow, too. For example, how do cryptocurrencies work with taxes? There are all kinds of questions regarding taxes and digital currencies and the answers aren’t always plain and clear. But if you happen to own…

Is the Stock Market Headed for Another Crash?

Is the Stock Market Headed for Another Crash?

Is the Stock Market Headed for Another Crash? Since President Trump took office a little more than a year ago, the stock market has been somewhat of a conundrum. Initially it was all good news, as the market reached high-water marks never seen before. However, lately it has been a rollercoaster ride, with big swings…