Impact Payments For Deceased People & PPP’s 8 Week Spending Problem

Forbes: The IRS Wants Its Money Back – Stimulus Checks Made To Dead Taxpayers Must Be Returned
How to spend PPP loan proceeds:
Tips for Spending PPP Loan Proceeds and Maximizing Loan Forgiveness
U.S. House Postpones new $1T coronavirus relief vote until Friday:
Deductibility of PPP Loan related expenses:,%20RW,%20RN%20to%20Treasury%20(PPP%20Business%20Deductions).pdf
State of California Budget – This all has to updated for the COVID-19 Catastrophe:
Incoming House Democrats Win First Tax Battle
Incoming House Democrats Win First Tax Battle The calendar year has not yet changed, which means newly elected members of the House and Senate have yet to officially take their seats in the Nation’s Capitol. However, House democrats are already busy making changes in preparation for the new year. And one of their top priorities is raising taxes. Newly elected democrats are taking…
What’s the Biggest Mistake Young Investors Make?
What’s the Biggest Mistake Young Investors Make? There are all kinds of investors and there are even more investing strategies. There are also just as many possible mistakes you can make as an investor. Those who’ve been in the stock market a long time have likely seen it all. And if they’ve had any kind of sustainable success…
This Could Be the Year to Stop Itemizing Your Deductions
This Could Be the Year to Stop Itemizing Your Deductions Tax season is just about here again. That means millions of people are getting ready to gather up all their financial information for the year 2018 and file their returns. This year will be like no other, thanks to the Tax Cut and Jobs Act. One of…
Why Are Wealthy Families Turning Their Noses on Hedge Funds?
Why Are Wealthy Families Turning Their Noses on Hedge Funds? Many investors look to see what the wealthy are doing when it comes time to get into the stock market. After all, these investors are wealthy because they’ve played the market right. For years, many of the wealthiest investors in the country have hedged their…