IRS Shutdown And SBA Report On Status Of Payroll Protection Loans

Small Business Administration report on status of Payroll Protection Loans
Deloitte Tax News & Views:
Get My Payment for Economic Impact Payment
Employment Development Department – Unemployment Assistance for Self-Employed workers.
Learning to Lead by Example
Learning to Lead by Example Each morning, the mirror reminds us of at least one person whose motives should meet all of our expectations. There is no limit to what an army of these individuals can accomplish. As you live your life if a way in which you are daily striving to reach your full…
America Taking Money From Its New Citizens?
America Taking Money From Its New Citizens? According to various government reports, there are literally trillions of dollars being hidden in offshore accounts by Americans who don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. Of course, everyone should have to pay his or her fair share to Uncle Sam, but no one should be…
Where Can You Find the World’s Best Tax Havens?
Where Can You Find the World’s Best Tax Havens? What’s your next vacation location: the Caribbean Tahiti, Bermuda, Belize, the Virgin Islands, or perhaps the Cayman Islands? These are all great choices and many of the world’s wealthiest individuals not only get to travel to these exotic locations on a regular basis, but many of…