IRS Shutdown And SBA Report On Status Of Payroll Protection Loans

The Biden Administration Corporate Tax Proposal

Small Business Administration report on status of Payroll Protection Loans

Deloitte Tax News & Views:

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Employment Development Department – Unemployment Assistance for Self-Employed workers.

What is Your Investment Risk Tolerance?

What is Your Investment Risk Tolerance? Mention the word “risk” in the context of a discussion about investing, and what springs to most people’s minds? A huge loss when the stock market takes a dive? Or when the price of bonds tumbles? Most likely. Such possibilities lead some people to cling to the “safety” of…

Congress with the Latest Bill and Help for Homeowners

Congress with the Latest Bill and Help for Homeowners

Congress with the Latest Bill and Help for Homeowners By Carole Rodoni Yes, it’s done. Congress passed and the President signed a bill to help homeowners. As a consumer who might benefit from this bill, it is important to know exactly what each part of the bill entails. From the $300 billion program, to a first…

Managing Your Frequent-Flyer Miles

Managing Your Frequent-Flyer Miles

Managing Your Frequent-Flyer Miles According to some reports, 100 million members of frequent-flyer programs are holding at least 3.5 trillion in unused miles. Frequent travelers track their memberships and miles carefully, first to determine what plan (or plans) seems most advantageous for them to join and then to schedule their travel in ways to take…

Tax Forms

Tax Forms & Publications

Tax Forms & Publications The publications listed below are located on the IRS web site and require Adobe Acrobat to view. Visit the Adobe Web Site to install the latest version of Acrobat Reader. Publication 1 Your Rights As a Taxpayer Publication 3 Armed Forces’ Tax Guide Publication 15 Circular E, Employer’s Tax Guide Publication…