IRS Shutdown And SBA Report On Status Of Payroll Protection Loans

The Biden Administration Corporate Tax Proposal

Small Business Administration report on status of Payroll Protection Loans

Deloitte Tax News & Views:

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Employment Development Department – Unemployment Assistance for Self-Employed workers.

4 Ways to Lead During Turbulent Times

4 Ways to Lead During Turbulent Times By Tim Irwin A couple of years out of college, my future wife, Anne, moved to Washington State from Wisconsin where she’d been living. She and her roommate pulled a large U-Haul trailer with all their worldly possessions on the long trip. They reached the Continental Divide, and…

Leadership Skills: How to Be a Successful Communicator

Leadership Skills: How to Be a Successful Communicator Author: Jacqueline Moore As a business leader, one of the most important leadership skills you’ll ever demonstrate is knowing how to communicate. When you think about it, most business leadership consists of communication of one sort or another. You hold meetings with staff or board members or…


Six Important Managerial Skills For Successful Leadership

Six Important Managerial Skills For Successful Leadership A mark of a good leader is to be able to provide consistent motivation to his team encouraging them to attain excellence and quality in their performance. A good leader is always looking for ways to improve production and standards. Here are six management skills to be an…

Breaking the 4 Minute Mile

Breaking the 4 Minute Mile

Breaking the 4 Minute Mile By Bree Bowman Eagle Scout Speech 6/30/09 For more than 100 years, runners tried to break the 4 minute mile. It was considered the “Holy Grail” of track and field. Many said it couldn’t be done. In fact, doctors wrote articles in medical journals explaining why it was physically impossible…