Taxes for Dummies
This is a great video explaining the US Government’s progressive tax system for those who don’t understand it! Is it fair that 16% of American taxpayers payed nearly 80% of all federal tax in 2014? Just to have politicians say that the wealthy haven’t payed their “fair share” yet.
A Guide to Family Business Decision Making
The topic of group decision making has spawned many academic studies, books, and white papers. It is never easy to get a group of human beings to make a decision together; it’s hard enough for a single individual to make a decision! Add to the mix more people with their cultural differences, values, needs, desires,…
State of Real Estate in The SF Bay Area: A Moment with Nancie Allen, Broker at Masterkey Real Estate Advantage
Transcript of Nancie Allen interview, “State of Real Estate in The SF Bay Area”: Alan Olsen: Can you walk us though your career path? Nancie Allen: I’m a born and bred Fremont resident. I moved here when I was 2 and I went to the public schools here. I still live about a mile…
Where the Future of Cryptocurrency is Headed? Miko Matsumura, Co-founder of Evercoin
Transcript: Alan Olsen: So Miko you are a cereal entrepreneur founder of crypto currency company; you have done a lot in your life but for the listeners, can you bring us a history of your timeline of what brought you up to where you are to day and what brought you to the crypto currency…