Want to Avoid Taxes in Retirement – Try This
There’s been no shortage of thoughts and opinions regarding Donald Trump’s tax returns since the election process began, especially since his leaked return hit the mainstream media a few weeks ago. One could argue at length regarding those numbers and whether or not they paint a positive picture of Trump and his finances. However, there’s no question that Trump was able to use his losses to help offset gains in years to come.
This is just one of many tricks that the wealthy use to help reduce their taxes in retirement. There are several others that both the wealthy and the everyday average taxpayer can use to help offset their retirement tax bill. One of the most obvious is by using an employer retirement account, which helps offset taxes now and when you’re done working. In addition, you can open a Roth IRA, which is an excellent way to save after tax income. All Roth IRA withdrawals are tax-free once you’ve owned the account for five years and you are at least 59 ½ years old.
Having a health savings account is also a great way to save. The money you place in an HSA is pre-tax so you won’t get hit upfront and it’s tax-free when you withdraw it, as long as you use it for medical expenses. Given that most people experience more health problems in their retirement years than earlier in life, this is a great tax savings tip to save you money.
These are just a few of the ways to help save money on your retirement taxes, but there are several more, including using long term capital gains, your home equity and a charitable remainder trust. If you have more questions about tax savings in retirement then please contact GROCO today.
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