Tax Season Starts Next Week – Are You Ready?



It’s almost here. That glorious time of year known and loved by millions as “tax season.” Of course, the reality is that most taxpayers don’t look forward to this time of year – unless they’re expecting a large return – but even those that fall into this category still don’t look forward to the tax filing process. In any case, love it or hate it, tax season is here. In fact, according to the IRS, the official tax filing season kicks off next week, on January 23 and runs through April 18.

There are some other filing notes to be aware of, as well. Anyone who e-files can submit their return before January 23rd; however, whichever software or online program you use will not actually submit them to the IRS until the 23rd. Additionally, anyone claiming the earned income credit or the additional child tax credit will not begin seeing their refund till Feb 23rd, due to a new law to protect against fraud.

So what can you do to start getting ready? First, there are several key forms that you should be looking for, including W-2s, 1099-Misc and 1099-Ks. These should all arrive by January 31. If you haven’t already begun gathering all your important tax and financial documents then now is the time to get started. If your taxes are complicated, or you’re a high net worth taxpayer then you should contact an experienced and qualified tax professional for help.

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