Chatham Created Gems and Diamonds | Tom Chatham

Tom Chatham

  About Carroll Chatham In the 1920’s, Carroll Chatham at the age of 12 built his first gem growing laboratory in his family’s garage. By 1938 he had mastered growing emeralds and went on to growing rubies, sapphires and other precious stones. In 1965, his son Tom Chatham joined him in business and was eventually…

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Preserving My Family’s Life’s Work & Legacy

Tom Chatham, Chairman of Chatham Created Gems & Diamonds, Inc., discusses preserving his family’s legacy and life’s work on Alan Olsen‘s American Dreams Show.   Transcript: Alan Olsen Welcome to America dreams. My guest today is Tom Chatham. Welcome to today’s show.   Tom Chatham Thank you glad to be here.   Alan Olsen So, Tom, we’ve had…

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Gemstone as Investments?

Gemstones As Investments

Gemstone as Investments? For the past several days, Marc Anthony has been given the highest level of stately treatment as he sits in the court of Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt. Despite the grandeur of the banquets, Cleopatra has shown nothing but disdain. She is quick to disregard the roasting of the eight wild…

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Gemlust | Rénee Kubryk

  About Rénee Kubryk Rénee Kubryk has always had a passion for Gems. At a young age Rénee found herself working at a jewelry store owned by her parents. She received her degree in nursing from City University of New York City College and later a Master’s in Human Resources & Organizational Development from the…

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American Dreams

TOTAL VIEWS: Over 64 Million Views this Year (2024)! Learn how these entrepreneurs found success in business and life, with Host, Alan Olsen CPA, MBA. In his weekly show, Alan Olsen invites successful individuals to discuss their career path and share how they were able to find success. These guests share valuable life experiences we…

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