Top Diets for 2017

Top Diets for 2017

Top Diets for 2017

What’s the best diet plan in the world? The answer to that question all depends on whom you ask. Perhaps the real question is do diets even work at all? There are countless studies that say otherwise. However, in reality, we all have a diet. Even if your diet consists of cheeseburgers and pork chops, that’s still a diet. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a diet that fits the more traditional definition of the word: a meal plan to help improve your health, lose weight and keep it off, then you have dozens of choices.

What Do the Experts Say?

You can search the Internet high and low, talk with your family and friends or watch all the YouTube experts. No matter where you turn you will have no problem finding someone with an opinion. So how do you know which diet is really the best? You turn to the experts like U.S. News & World Report did. According to an expert panel of nutritionists and dietitians, these are the top five diets in 2017.

Atkins 40 Diet

The Atkins 20 diet has been proven to be an effective weight loss diet and has helped some people control Type 2 diabetes. The Atkins 40 is very similar to the Atkins 20, but it’s not as strict. This is a low-carb diet that is designed for people who have less than 40 pounds to lose. Participants are allowed 40 grams of carbs a day. This diet encourages lots of veggies, as well as portion control, along with nutrient-dense carbs. This diet is backed by valid research.

Number 4

There was actually a four-way tie in the rankings, with the Weight Watchers diet; the TLC diet, the May Clinic diet and the Flexitarian diet all coming in fourth place.

• The Weight Watchers diet moved up the list thanks to its change in approach. While the plan still focuses on weight loss (which it does rank number one for weight loss), the program also focuses on other factors, as well.

• The TLC diet focuses on eating foods with less saturated fat like fish, skinless chicken, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products.

• The Mayo Clinic diet aims at getting rid of bad eating habits and replacing them with healthy habits. The diet starts with fruits and vegetables as the main anchors and it claims to help participants lose between six and 10 pounds in the first two weeks.

• The Flexitarian diet is vegetable-focused but it doesn’t require you to completely give up meat. It does, however, encourage trying new “meats” like tofu, nuts, beans, eggs and lentils. But if you just really need some of the real stuff this diet allows you to partake.

Number 3

The Mind diet comes in as the third best diet of 2017. This diet, as the name suggests focuses on foods that are good for your brain and your brain health. The Mind diet specifically looks at foods that have been shown to help prevent neurological diseases. It is a cross between the Dash diet and the Mediterranean diet.

Number 2

The Mediterranean diet has long been considered one of the healthiest diets in the world. Consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole gains, fish and brown rice, this is the best plant-based diet in the world.

Number 1

If you haven’t heard of the DASH diet, then where have you been? This diet holds onto the number one spot for the seventh consecutive year in 2017. DASH stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension. DASH focuses on lowering sodium consumption to no more than 2,300 daily milligrams, as well as eating plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.


With so many studies and continuous research going into better eating and healthier living, people are always looking for the best new diet plan. Depending on where you search you will likely find literally hundreds of different plans with hundreds of specific variations. In other words, the choices are essentially endless. So what is a person to do?

What’s more, every new diet promises dozens of healthy benefits with excellent results. With every diet essentially promising the same thing how do you know which one is best for you? It’s nearly impossible to sift through all the reports and studies and decide which ones are actually healthy and which ones are just a fad waiting to die.

Just because they might be one of the trendiest diets, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are effective, or healthy.

We hope you found this article about “Top Diets for 2017” helpful.  If you have questions or need expert tax or family office advice that’s refreshingly objective (we never sell investments), please contact us or visit our Family office page  or our website at  Unfortunately, we no longer give advice to other tax professionals gratis.

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Alan Olsen, CPA

Alan Olsen, is the Host of the American Dreams Show and the Managing Partner of  GROCO is a premier family office and tax advisory firm located in the San Francisco Bay area serving clients all over the world.

Alan L. Olsen, CPA, Wikipedia Bio is a proud sponsor of The American Dreams Show.



The American Dreams show was the brainchild of Alan Olsen, CPA, MBA. It was originally created to fill a specific need; often inexperienced entrepreneurs lacked basic information about raising capital and how to successfully start a business.

Alan sincerely wanted to respond to the many requests from aspiring entrepreneurs asking for the information and introductions they needed. But he had to find a way to help in which his venture capital clients and friends would not mind.

The American Dreams show became the solution, first as a radio show and now with YouTube videos as well. Always respectful of interview guest’s time, he’s able to give access to individuals information and inspiration previously inaccessible to the first-time entrepreneurs who need it most.

They can listen to venture capitalists and successful business people explain first-hand, how they got to where they are, how to start a company, how to overcome challenges, how they see the future evolving, opportunities, work-life balance and so much more..

American Dreams discusses many topics from some of the world’s most successful individuals about their secrets to life’s success. Topics from guest have included:

Creating purpose in life / Building a foundation for their life / Solving problems / Finding fulfillment through philanthropy and service / Becoming self-reliant / Enhancing effective leadership / Balancing family and work…

Untitled_Artwork copy 4 (Also sponsored by GROCO) provides free access to content and world-class entrepreneurs, influencers and thought leaders’ personal success stories. To help you find your path in life to true, sustainable success & happiness.  It’s mission statement:

In an increasingly complex and difficult world, we hope to help you find your personal path in life and build a strong foundation by learning how others found success and happiness. True and sustainable success and happiness are different for each one of us but possible, often despite significant challenges.

Our mission at is to provide resources and firsthand accounts of how others found their paths in life, so you can do the same.

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