Four Key Diversity Recruitment & Retention Strategies


Four Key Diversity Recruitment & Retention Strategies

From Workforce Article Library

1) Recruitment and retention strategy.

Most employers find that it is generally easier to recruit people than it is to retain them. Unless organizations create a climate that welcomes and is hospitable to those who are in some way different from the existing group, costly turnovers will continue as new talent leaves.

2) Develop internal candidates for promotion.

Make sure any overt barriers to promotion of internal candidates is removed. For example, is information about position openings and developmental opportunities accessible to all employees through an organization-wide posting system?

3) Build a reputation for being diversity-friendly.

The image that your organization conveys to the public will affect your recruitment results. While your advertisements, brochures, and annual reports help to form a certain perception, sometimes information passed informally by word-of-mouth has an even greater impact. If your company is seen as one that offers real opportunities to diverse employees, where all employees are treated with respect and where line/senior management is composed of a mix of people, you will likely find diverse applicants coming to you. This reputation factor is invaluable in stimulating a natural source of job candidates.

4) Build and expand your informal network.

Similar to general recruiting, building relationships is even more critical in the diversity recruiting and retention strategies strategies management realm. Your recruitment efforts will depend on the quality of the relationships you cultivate with diverse individuals, both inside the organization and outside in the community. For example, in your company, do you know whose nieces and nephews are entering the job market, whose relatives have just completed MBA initiatives, or whose relatives are looking for work in your industry?

Developing mutually beneficial relationships is an important recruitment mechanism. A proactive approach to recruitment and retention strategies can enable you to be more effective in helping your organization achieve its goal of a productive and diverse workforce.


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Alan Olsen, CPA

Alan Olsen, is the Host of the American Dreams Show and the Managing Partner of  GROCO is a premier family office and tax advisory firm located in the San Francisco Bay area serving clients all over the world.

Alan L. Olsen, CPA, Wikipedia Bio is a proud sponsor of The American Dreams Show.



The American Dreams show was the brainchild of Alan Olsen, CPA, MBA. It was originally created to fill a specific need; often inexperienced entrepreneurs lacked basic information about raising capital and how to successfully start a business.

Alan sincerely wanted to respond to the many requests from aspiring entrepreneurs asking for the information and introductions they needed. But he had to find a way to help in which his venture capital clients and friends would not mind.

The American Dreams show became the solution, first as a radio show and now with YouTube videos as well. Always respectful of interview guest’s time, he’s able to give access to individuals information and inspiration previously inaccessible to the first-time entrepreneurs who need it most.

They can listen to venture capitalists and successful business people explain first-hand, how they got to where they are, how to start a company, how to overcome challenges, how they see the future evolving, opportunities, work-life balance and so much more..

American Dreams discusses many topics from some of the world’s most successful individuals about their secrets to life’s success. Topics from guest have included:

Creating purpose in life / Building a foundation for their life / Solving problems / Finding fulfillment through philanthropy and service / Becoming self-reliant / Enhancing effective leadership / Balancing family and work…

Untitled_Artwork copy 4 (Also sponsored by GROCO) provides free access to content and world-class entrepreneurs, influencers and thought leaders’ personal success stories. To help you find your path in life to true, sustainable success & happiness.  It’s mission statement:

In an increasingly complex and difficult world, we hope to help you find your personal path in life and build a strong foundation by learning how others found success and happiness. True and sustainable success and happiness are different for each one of us but possible, often despite significant challenges.

Our mission at is to provide resources and firsthand accounts of how others found their paths in life, so you can do the same.

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