Where Should You Call Home in Retirement?

Are you planning on retiring soon? There are a lot of things to consider and prepare for when you’re ready to call it quits and start enjoying the so-called “golden years,” especially when it comes to your financial future. One of the most important matters to take care of is how your taxes will affect your retirement. There are many different factors to consider, but one of the most important is simply where you live.

The Best

So what are the best states to call home after you hang up your working shoes for good? There’s a reason that Florida is the butt of many senior citizen jokes, but perhaps surprisingly, according to Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, the Sunshine State is only the tenth most tax-friendly state to live in for retirement. Other states in the top 10 on Kiplinger’s list from nine to one include South Dakota, Louisiana, Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Mississippi and Nevada at number two. Taking home the top spot is Alaska.

The Worst

On the other end of the spectrum these 10 states scored the worst as far as being tax-friendly goes. In order from 10 to 1 they are: New York, New Jersey, Nebraska, California, Montana, Oregon, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Vermont. So there you have it. If you’re looking for a new tax-friendly place to call home when you decide to retire then consider these lists closely.

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