Peptide Therapy: Treating the Root Cause, Not Symptoms – Regan Archibald


Alan Olsen

Hi, this is Alan Olsen and welcome to American Dreams. My guest today is Reagan Archibald Reagan. Welcome to today’s show.

Regan Archibald

So good to be here, Alan.

Alan Olsen

So in your in your life path can you give the listeners your timeline of how you got to where you are today? Let’s start from college and your aspirations of career path.

Regan Archibald

Well, the biggest thing that got me into medicine and healthcare is I grew up on a farm cattle ranch in Idaho. And I wanted to be anything but a farmer when I grew up, and my uncle was a doctor. So I said he’s got weekends off, he seems happy. I would love to be able to help people on a different level instead of herding cattle and moving sprinkler pipe. And so that was my first inspiration. And, and what happened to me is I was misdiagnosed by five different doctors when I was studying my pre medicine work at the University of Utah.

And I realized I wanted to study a different type of medicine when it was a naturopathic physician. And acupuncturist who helped me recover my health, they actually ran the right labs and said, Well, you’ve got Hashimotos Regan. And so we ended up working on my diet, my nutrition, this was 25 years ago before gluten free was a thing. And I was gluten free person, and completely recovered my energy I was I went from, you know, feeling lethargic and falling asleep in class. And I’ve always been good at school.

So it was unusual for me to having my motivation back, getting my fitness back. And I ended up going to school in Hawaii, and studying at integrated medical school there that Earl Bakken founded, and then I was there for four years came back to Utah and founded east west health 20 years ago.

Alan Olsen

Well, that’s amazing. It’s an amazing path. And you know, it journey that sounds like turns in the road and getting you to the east west. Is east west, medical.

Regan Archibald

East West health. Yes,

Alan Olsen

West health. Now, let’s talk about East West health. And you know, the, you’re dealing with peptides. Yeah, that right? What is it for listeners? What is a peptide?

Regan Archibald

I love this question. Because we learn so much about hormones. And we think, Oh, that’s really you want to optimize your hormones, which I’m a big fan of. And we do that clinically. But if you think about the short messages that go on in our bodies, these come from protein structures called peptides. So peptides are 50 amino acid chains or fewer. And there’s over 7000 peptides that exist. To date, we’ve sequenced about 10% of those, so maybe about 700.

And they all have a biological impact. And so you can use peptides to influence your brain health, peptides influence your cardiovascular health peptides influence any genetic pathway in your body. What a peptide is, is kind of like a text message. So you and I can text each other back and forth. And we send each other small messages. But those messages are communication lines that allow for action to take place. So hey, Alan, I’d love to be on the American Dream podcast. And I want you on my unreasonable health podcast.

And so you know, those text messages are great. And then we send an email. And an email is more like a hormone, which is a longer kind of communication pathway. So let me send you my bio, I’ll send it through email. So peptides are the way that our bodies turn on different genetic frequencies and different genetic functions, and turn off different disease patterns.

Alan Olsen

So when we were dealing with peptide therapy, what exactly is peptide therapy?

Regan Archibald

So peptide therapy would be where I run people’s labs, so we order comprehensive blood panels, and then we identify where the interferences are in your body and where the deficiencies may be. And so it’s different than when you get your annual physical with your doctor and they do a cursory you know, overview, and now your cholesterol is high, here’s a statin or looks like you may be trending towards some pre diabetes or diabetes.

Here’s some Metformin. What we’re really looking at in the blood labs are the causative agents that are developed and then the patterns that are developed because of those causative agents. And so we’ll look at your labs in much more detail and we’ll narrow the ranges so that we can determine maybe your hormonal imbalances, for example, are from a digestive issue. There’s a pathway in your gut called beta glucuronidation. So maybe you’re not conjugated and unconjugated hormones properly, or we’ll look at other markers.

And we’ll say, well, here’s why your cholesterol levels are high. Here’s why your LDL cholesterol is high, because you’ve got these markers that show oxidative stress because your ferritin is high and your C reactive protein. And then we structure peptides based on those lab values, to actually help stabilize those lab values so that we’re actually getting to the root cause. And so we may give you a peptide like test, some Morel and that peptide is very well known.

And it went through the off phase three of the clinical trials of the FDA in 2012, to treat lipo dystrophy, so it actually helps shrink Oregon fat in the body. And it’s also really good for putting on muscle. So, but testing morale, and also helps mitigate oxidative stress in the body because it stimulates the growth hormone pathway in your pituitary. So it’s a way that we can turn back the clock. But it’s a small remember, it’s a text message. So it’s not going to influence cancerous growth in the future. And that’s, that’s the real benefit of peptides is they have low accumulation, low toxicity.

And so peptide therapy essentially, is finding out how we can optimize your health with the smallest amount of input possible, but the largest amount of output. So we, we don’t want to override your biological systems, we don’t want to suppress symptoms, per se, all we want to do is just turn on those right genetic expressions, so that your body can now heal itself and your body can start to reverse its aging process.

Alan Olsen

So aging is one is one solution that you’re providing in there through and anti-aging through the peptide process. And I want to go down that path a little bit more delve into it, but I want to ask another question. So person says, Hey, Reagan, I’m having trouble sleeping. Yeah. Right. solve that.

Regan Archibald

Oh, beautiful. Yeah. So then we’d go and I don’t mean to be nuanced on this. But I’d say okay, well, why aren’t you sleeping and let’s get some blood labs ran. But in general, there’s some very powerful peptides that have been heavily studied. One of my favorite peptides is called EPA talent. And this particular peptide has been researched since the 1970s. And what it does is it resets the circadian rhythm by working on the pituitary gland. So the Pituitary and the Pineal Gland, what they do is they influence all the hormones in the body.

And so the pituitary gland specifically has an access called your hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. And if you’re waking up frequently at night, or if you can’t fall asleep, we use up a talent to reset that stress response in your body so that your body can now fall into a deeper sleep. It’s also a tilam Erase enzyme. So it lengthens the telomeres on the end of your DNA.

And if you’ve heard like David Sinclair talk about this or Aubrey de Grey, what EPA Talon will do, what the research shows is, it stimulates from the pineal gland, these beautiful enzymes that that basically pull the DNA tight, they create DNA silencing, and that DNA silencing allows your telomere expansion to extend and it turns off diseases.

So in the studies, you’ll find that not only do people have a reset of their circadian rhythms, I just spoke to a patient of mine yesterday and this, this particular client, he said, I’ve never slept better and 20 years since in he’s on day five on EPA, Talon, and just getting started on it. And he said, I mean, he was in a massive situation of stress for six years, going through divorce, he took his business from 1 million to 40 plus million. And he’s like, just like a supercharged human. But it he came to that place where he hit a wall and he couldn’t sleep, because he’s pushing himself too long.

And so APA talent is what turned things around for him. So yeah, so EPA talents, one of those peptides and there’s a few others, but that’s the primary one.

Alan Olsen

However, how are peptides administered? Are they put directly into the bloodstream? Or the taken through the pills and digested?

Regan Archibald

A great question Alan. So peptides primarily are injection so they’re subcutaneous injections use an insulin syringe, and if anyone’s seen those, they’re tiny little syringes. It’s nothing more than a little pinch. It’s pretty simple to do. But because the of the nature of these molecules, they’re very fragile, and so you don’t want them to be ingested in a lot of cases because the hydrochloric acid in your stomach is going to break down these molecules before they get to work. They need to go. So like EPA Talon is a sub q injection.

But there’s other peptides like BPC, 157, KPV. And these are peptides that are naturally made in your gastric secretions. So they’re made in your stomach, your small intestine, even the colon somewhat with KPV. And those can be consumed orally, you can inject them, you can use them as a nasal spray, even as a mouth spray. You know,

Alan Olsen

so I’m not a doctor, I don’t have an impact on the medical profession. But what caused me to, to ask the question is, I have a friend who’s a pathologist, and I mentioned I’m picking these anti aging pills. Because pills, because, because if you want something to really work ingested directly into the bloodstream. So, so thank you for the clarification. And, and, and also, this is now going directly into the bloodstream. Questions about medicine? So person says, Regan, I want to come to you at East West health and work with you.

But you have one location, are you do you have that you work with other doctors? Or how does a person come to you to work?

Regan Archibald

Yeah, and so Alan, we have probably 80% of our client bases outside of Utah. And so it depends on the state that you’re in. But with the compounding pharmacies that we use, we, we don’t do any kind of peptides that are outside of the what is allowed by the FDA from very skilled compounding pharmacies, there’s only actually only two compounding pharmacies in the United States that make the peptides that we need. And I’ve met these pharmacies regularly. And, and so the best way is for people to reach out to you can either email me directly at Reagan, or eta n at accurate

Or you can simply text our phone number 801-582-2011. And that will give people direct access to us. And we can work with you, no matter what state you’re in. We work with a lot of Canadians. And then we also have patients who live in France, we have patients in Singapore, Australia, New Zealand. And so we can still do quite a bit of coaching. And then we work with local pharmacies in the area to try to get the peptides that our patients need in those regions.

Alan Olsen

How are peptides affecting me right now?

Regan Archibald

There’s a lot of different studies on bio regulators. And so probably the most prominent researcher on peptides is Dr. Carl Vinson, and he’s out of Russia. And so a lot of people say, Oh, no, it’s research out of Russia can’t be real. But actually, there’s not incentives for researchers in Russia, like there is in the United States. So in some ways, his research is very pure. And he’s been studying peptides by regulators, specifically since 1974.

And what he’s discovered is that by using specific by regulators for different organs and tissues, he’s seen a life expectancy change of about seven to 10 years, or over 30% in some of the groups that he’s worked with. And he has some of the largest cohorts of people in his longevity studies. Some of his studies span over the course of 35 years, with over 30,000 people, specifically with using a bio regulator called pioneer Leon.

And that works on the pineal gland. He found that by using that bio regulator with a bio regulator called vessel and another bio regulator for the brain, he found that these people not only live longer, versus the group that didn’t take the bio regulators, but they live longer by about 30%. And they didn’t have a lot of the chronic diseases. So and in the United States, we have this kind of problem at the last 10 years of people’s lives is they have comorbidities and so they’re they’re halfway dead before they fully die.

In Eastern medicine, our philosophy is we want people to live with unreasonable health for a very long time, but then to have compressed morbidity. So when it’s time to die, we die fast. And that’s where I see the most research as far as the longest term research is on these bio regulators. But if you look at some of the newer research, Davidson Claire’s talking a lot about a peptide called Moto Z. And moto C is a natural expression in our body’s it’s more phenotypically expressed in the Japanese population.

But see has been shown as an exercise, mimetic and it turns on longevity genes. And in fact, G like to Asana Allen,

Alan Olsen

do I like it? Yeah.

Regan Archibald

Or do you jump in a sauna ever?

Alan Olsen

Sometimes it’s kind of like, sometimes you do and, you know, but I’m not a, I don’t do it frequently. Let’s say that, okay? Well,

Regan Archibald

there and there may be some benefits, especially if you’d like to sweat. But, but when we jump in a sauna, we get this, this production of what are called Heat Shock proteins. And those heat shock proteins, trigger mod SC. So remember, the peptides that we use are natural expressions in the body. And so Mazzi is one of these natural expressions. So jumping into a sauna, using Mazzi can be some great ways to influence longevity.

Alan Olsen

So Regan, there’s a lot of there’s a lot of menus of the utilization of peptides, how does a person gets started with you? In other words, what is what is the process?

Regan Archibald

If somebody is, you know, so there’s kind of three criteria that I look at, I want to work with people who have a future bigger than their past, you know, our mutual mentor, Dan Sullivan, he’s, he’s ingrain that into your brain and mind.

And so people need to have really ambitious goals in their health in and so if that’s you, if it’s also somebody who has already done some foundational work on their health, if you’re, you know, if things are completely broken, and, you know, you’re just looking for kind of a Hail Mary, I don’t know that we’re the right clinic and the paths I took on a lot of clients like that we’re just too busy. So I want to take on people who are looking for that, that edge that 10%, that 5%, even 3% edge in their health.

And, and then finally, you know, it’s, it’s people who are willing to do the right testing, because, you know, my job is to make sure that your next decade is your best decade, and to make sure there’s no death by neglect. And so the way that people can work best with us is, first of all, get your functional blood chemistry ran. So we run very comprehensive panels when you text the office or email us, if you have blood labs ran, you can send those in, and then you and I can sit down and talk about what your goals are what you’d like to accomplish in your health in the next 10 years.

What you’d like to accomplish in the next 90 days, because a lot of people they want to lose, you know, 10 to 30 pounds. And that’s we have an average weight loss in our protocols of about 30 pounds in seven months. But it depends on what your goals are. But then once we have the right labs, then put together a very specific peptide protocol for you. We have an incredible team here, we have fitness advisors, we have health coaches, accountability is a big part of it.

But then we do some of the more advanced testing like gallery where we can screen for cancer for years before it becomes problematic or before it will show up and other any other tests we can we can look at different coronary scores, we do DEXA scans. So there’s very nuanced tests that we’ll look at, to get you to the next level.

Alan Olsen

So reaching out to you they do it off the website or phone call or what is the Yeah, so

Regan Archibald

you could go to the peptide And I’ve got a free download for all the listeners of the American Dream podcast today. And so go to the peptide expert, you’ll see your free download. The other thing that you can do is you could text the office at 801-582-2011. Or you can email me directly and I do answer these and ask you any questions on peptides or any various health concerns that you may have. And it’s Regan. 



Curtesy of Alan Olsen’s

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    Regan Archibald on Alan Olsen's American Dreams Radio
    Regan Archibald

    Regan Archibald, Lac, FMP, is one of the leading Peptide Specialists in the nation and serves as a Regenerative Therapy and Peptide Consultant at the award-winning clinic he founded in 2004, East West Health ( and Integrated Pain Specialists. Regan is the founder of Go Wellness and is the creator of the Peptide Mastery Course. He is a member of the International Peptide Society. He is the author of 8 books including, Never Stop Healing and Your Health Transformation.

    As a Peptide Expert, Licensed Acupuncturist, and Functional Medicine Practitioner, Regan brings immense innovation and cutting-edge options for those looking to recover from pain, balance hormones, or increase performance or optimize their health. His clinic, East West Health, is the first Medically Managed Peptide Program that includes the use of Acupuncture and Herbs, Regenerative Medicine, and Functional Medicine.

    Regan believes that health isn’t a destination and that disease doesn’t take vacations. That’s why he’s created one of the most innovative wellness curriculums in America called the “Health Accelerator Course.” With over 1000 active members participating in weekly “HACs” (Health Accelerator Challenges), and thousands more tuning into his podcast, Never Stop Healing, Regan is truly not to miss on your health adventures.

    If not teaching, writing, or working with patients in-office or virtually, you will find Regan in the Wasatch mountains with his wife Jessica and his kids, Zoe, Dominic, and Jonah. He loves to ski, snowboard, mountain bike, take ice baths, bio-hack, and is passionate about bringing art back into the practice of medicine.

    For more information on resources on peptides please visit Regan’s website and Youtube channel at &

    Alan Olsen on Alan Olsen's American Dreams Radio
    Alan Olsen

    Alan is managing partner at Greenstein, Rogoff, Olsen & Co., LLP, (GROCO) and is a respected leader in his field. He is also the radio show host to American Dreams. Alan’s CPA firm resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and serves some of the most influential Venture Capitalist in the world. GROCO’s affluent CPA core competency is advising High Net Worth individual clients in tax and financial strategies. Alan is a current member of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (S.I.E.P.R.) SIEPR’s goal is to improve long-term economic policy. Alan has more than 25 years of experience in public accounting and develops innovative financial strategies for business enterprises. Alan also serves on President Kim Clark’s BYU-Idaho Advancement council. (President Clark lead the Harvard Business School programs for 30 years prior to joining BYU-idaho. As a specialist in income tax, Alan frequently lectures and writes articles about tax issues for professional organizations and community groups. He also teaches accounting as a member of the adjunct faculty at Ohlone College.

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