Building a Foundation for Success | Mark Gottfredson

Mark Gottfredson

About Mark Gottfredson Mark Gottfredson is a partner of Bain and Company at the Dallas office, the office he founded in 1990. Mark’s client work is primarily focused on full potential programs, revenue enhancement, cost reduction, complexity management and major change programs. Mark is the author of The Breakthrough Imperative book, and has written extensively…

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Life of a Leader | Richard King

How To Become a Leader - Richard King, past President of Rotary International

  About Richard King Richard King served as the World President of Rotary International from 2001-2002, supervising the work of 350,000 members in 163 countries around the world. During his tenure, Rotary has it’s greatest one-year growth record in its history, with an increase on some 75,000 new members and a new Rotary club formed…

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High Tech Leadership | Matt Schultz

Matt Schultz

  About Matt Schultz Matt Schultz serves as the current President of the Silicon Valley Chapter of the BYU Management Society (BYUMS). The BYUMS is a global organization that provides opportunities for local professionals to build their network and develop themselves professionally and personally. Matt, originally from Seattle, completed his schooling at BYU, earning an…

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American Entrepreneur – Jack Carlisle, Serial Entrepreneur

Jack Carlisle

  About Jack Carlisle   Jack Carlisle grew up in Utah. He is a serial entrepreneur who has created various businesses over the past 22 years including: a tire store, flight school, catering business, and most recently a pizza restaurant. Interview Transcript of: American Entrepreneur – Jack Carlisle, Serial Entrepreneur Alan Welcome back. I’m here…

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Becoming Involved | Raj Salwan

Raj Salwan

  About Raj Salwan Raj Salwan is a City Councilmember, successful small business owner, husband and proud father. He has given back to the community by serving on boards and volunteering for organizations dedicated to helping seniors, children, workers and employers. Councilmember Salwan has focused his time on the City Council to recruit new businesses…

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Real Estate 101 | Sherri Stoneberger

Sherri Stoneberger

  About Sherri Stoneberger Stonberger received her foundation of work ethics. growing up on a family farm in Oklahoma. She attended college at the University of Central Oklahoma, earning a degree in human development, with a physical education minor. After graduation she became a military wife and eventually settled in the Mission, Fremont area where…

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Igniting the Genius Withing – Prasad Kaipa, CEO Coach and Advisor

Prasad Kaipa

  About Prasad Kaipa Prasad has been an advisor and coach focusing on innovation and leadership since 1990 for about 120 C-level executives in Global Fortune 500 companies. Prasad’s unique competence is in helping his clients find their next significant step and take it. He found that unless he helps clients to examine their signature…

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How to demonstrate mutual respect in the workplace

How to demonstrate mutual respect in the workplace

Definition: Mutual Respect Mutual respect should be at the core of any true principle-based leader. Mutual respect is the recognition that two or more individuals have valuable/important contributions to make in a relationship. Benefit: Mutual Respect When an individual demonstrates mutual respect, they show that they not only care for others, they also care for…

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Wealth and Tax Analysis

Tax Overhaul Lead to a bear market; WEALTH & TAX ANALYSIS

WEALTH AND TAX ANALYSIS Our “Best in Class” traditional full-service CPA firm suite of services, relationship based and also includes client communications. We’re your personal team of CPAs expert in tax strategy, preparation and any analysis requiring number crunching. This service offering involves a traditional retainer plus hourly fees when applicable. WEALTH & TAX PLANNING…

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Lifestyle and Financial Management

Lifestyle and Financial Management Our second most comprehensive suite of services, also relationship based with increased communications with client; providing expert management of lifestyle, ultra finance, tax strategy and planning with fees blended between a retainer and convenient monthly payments. LIFESTYLE AND FINANCIAL COUNSELING SERVICES GROCO has been lifestyle & financial advisors to the ultra-affluent…

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