Top Tips to Remember When You Can’t Pay Business Taxes

man paying bills or taxes

Business taxes can be a nightmare for a lot of companies; especially small businesses that are trying to stay afloat. Things can get even tougher when it comes time to file your return and you end up on the wrong side of the ledger. So what should you do if you end up owing more business taxes than can afford?

First, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to get through the process. Then, make sure you still file your taxes on time, even if you know you don’t have the money. By delaying your filing you will be penalized further and owe even more money. So, file on time. If you’re already late, file as soon as possible.

If you can’t pay your debt in full at tax time, you do have some options. You can still make full payments a little late by filing for an extension. If you will have the funds shortly then this is a good option. Keep in mind, though, that you will be charged interest until the full amount is paid off.

You can also agree to the installment method, which allows you to make monthly payments until you pay off the debt in full. This requires a one-time set-up fee but it also allows you to choose the terms and the method of payment. You can also go with the offer in compromise route, which could lower your total bill if the IRS accepts your offer. Lastly, you could request that the IRS delay its collection if you absolutely don’t have the means to pay off your debt. This is called a temporarily delay collection.

Whatever method you choose, it’s always best to pay off whatever you can as soon as you can, and thus avoid further interest and penalties. If you find yourself in this situation, contact GROCO. We’ll help you determine which route is best for you. Call 1-877-CPA-2006, or click here.

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