2020 Deficits and Potential Payroll Tax Holiday
California Health Insurance Penalty:
Guidance addresses deductibility of expenses related to Paycheck Protection Program loans:
$3.7 Trillion Deficit:
Fewer People filed by April 15th:
Payroll Tax Holiday
Seven Qualities of a Good Leader
Seven Qualities of a Good Leader By Barbara White How often have you heard the comment, “He or she is a born leader?” There are certain characteristics found in some people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they’re looked up to as a leader. Whether in fact a person is born…
How Leaders Can Take Charge of Change
By Jennifer J. Salopek It’s easy to just say people “resist change.” The reality is that you can create an environment where a change initiative won’t encounter harsh skepticism. TechnologyOur firm may be introducing Web-based training, a knowledge-management system. Whatever the flavor of the month, new technology can create real resistance in your workforce —…
10 Tips to Enhancing Your Leadership Skills
10 Tips to Enhancing Your Leadership Skills Have you ever heard someone say, “Actually, I have to admit that I think I am really bad at managing other people. My staff all hate me and I’m incapable of doing my job”. The answer is no, of course. No one says this either because they don’t…