2020 Deficits and Potential Payroll Tax Holiday

The Biden Administration Corporate Tax Proposal

California Health Insurance Penalty:

Guidance addresses deductibility of expenses related to Paycheck Protection Program loans:

$3.7 Trillion Deficit:

Fewer People filed by April 15th:

Payroll Tax Holiday

The Inflation Reduction Act Passed the House and Senate! Ron Cohen Episode 25

How Income Taxes Became Part of The Constitution, Ron Cohen Episode 26

This week we talk about:
What you need…

Craig Stanland - Reinvention Architect and Mindset Coach

Craig Stanland – Reinvention Architect and Mindset Coach

Craig Stanland – Reinvention Architect and Mindset Coach Interview Highlights After hitting rock bottom, Craig Stanland was forced to make a choice: give up or rebuild. He thought he had “it all” until he lost sight of what’s truly important and made the worst decision of his life, losing everything along the way, including his…

Chad Jenkins

Chad Jenkins- SeedSpark Removing Obstacles for Growth

Horses, they don’t speak but if you take the time to listen to them, they have an awful lot to communicate. Such lesson was learned by a young boy growing up on his family’s farm in South Carolina. The time that Chad Jenkins spent learning to listen to his horses, set him up for succeed…

The Inflation Reduction Act Passed the House and Senate! Ron Cohen Episode 25

The Inflation Reduction Act Passed the House and Senate! Ron Cohen Episode 25

This week we talk about: The Inflation …