It’s Time for a Tax Scam Refresher Course

Despite repeated warnings from the media and the IRS alike, thousands of people are conned out of money every tax season by scammers. Make sure you’re not one of them. Here is a list of some of the most common scams the IRS sees this time of year. The list is not all-inclusive, as scammers will stop at nothing to cheat both taxpayers and the IRS out of as much money as they can every year. However, it does give you good idea of what you’re up against.

  • Phone Scams – the IRS will never call you and make threats or ask for important personal information over the phone. Don’t fall for anyone impersonating the IRS with threats of deportation or other serious consequences.
  • Identity Theft – whatever you do to protect yourself from identify theft throughout the year, you should double those precautions at this time of year. Stealing your identity is one of the most common tools scammers use to steal your tax refund.
  • Shady Preparer – don’t fall for any tax preparer that promises you a huge refund, ask you to sign a blank return, or wants to charge you according to a percentage of your refund.
  • Phishing – another common attack is called phishing, wherein scammers use fake emails or websites to trick people into giving away personal information. The IRS does not employ these methods.
  • Fake Charities – another way con artists scam taxpayers is by getting them to donate funds to fake charities as they look for another way to reduce their tax bill. Consult the IRS website to be sure a charity is actually legitimate, before you donate.
  • False Credit Claims – don’t give into the temptation to falsify your income in order to receive more credits, even if your preparer tells you it’s OK.

Don’t Be Fooled

If you feel that someone is trying to scam you in regards to your taxes, don’t let them get away with it. Anything that sounds to good to be true or doesn’t pass the proverbial smell-test is probably a scam. Instead, trust your taxes with the experienced and knowledgeable tax professionals at GROCO. We can help you avoid scams and get the greatest refund possible. Just call us today at 1-877-CPA-2006, or connect with us online.

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