Use Your Hobby to Make Some Extra Cash

Use Your Hobby to Make Some Extra Cash

Photography Many people love photography, and many people are very good at it. This is one hobby that a lot of people have turned into an extra source of income. With so many websites that sell photos, you can make some extra money if you know how to get an image just right.   Dog…

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Which College Majors Will Lead to Satisfying Careers?

Which College Majors Will Lead to Satisfying Careers?;Free Money For College Students

Which College Majors Will Lead to Satisfying Careers?  Medical Laboratory Science About 97 percent of people who work in this field find their job meaningful, even though the median pay is only about $61,500. Although you might not get rich pursuing a degree in medical laboratory science, you will likely find your career to be…

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Top 10 States With the Highest Taxes

Top 10 States With the Highest Taxes

Top 10 States With the Highest Taxes No one enjoys paying taxes and just about everyone feels like they pay too much. However, there are definitely some people that pay more than others, like the nation’s top 1 percent of earners for example. However, when it comes to high tax rates, how much you earn…

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The Inspiration for LinkedIn

The Inspiration for LinkedIn

The Inspiration for LinkedIn with Konstantin Guericke, co-founder of LinkedIn “When you need an investor, or business partner, its usually not someone who you know, but it’s often someone who you know knows” –Konstantin Guericke, Co-Founder of LinkedIn “I am a social architect with a passion for exploring the intersection of psychology, sociology and computing.…

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Baseball Analytics- Business & Game Day

Bill Schlough

Baseball Analytics- Business & Game Day  “What’s been Cool to Watch over the Years is how the Role of analytics has increased. More and more people are focused on it and we’re capturing data that now before has ever had access to” -Bill Schlough, CIO of the San Francisco Giants Transcript of : Baseball Analytics-…

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How Hal Kellman Averages a 20% Return on the Market

How Hal Kellman Averages a 20% Return on the Market

Interview Transcript, How Hal Kellman Averages a 20% Return on the Market Introduction to How Hal Averages a 20% Return on the Market Alan Welcome back. I’m here today with how Kelman the Cameron family office and how welcome to today’s show. Thank you. So hopefully the listeners, can you get the background of how…

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Happiness in the Workplace

Mike Duffy;Happiness in the Workplace

About Mike Duffy: Happiness is more than a state of being, for Mike Duffy, it’s a passion. Listen as Mike shares an acronym that he’s made up to help you achieve happiness in the workplace. Mike Duffy is an evangelist for happiness. Mike has written 4 books on happiness including, The Happiness Book For Men.…

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Triple Platinum Voice | Lori Glori

Triple Platinum Voice | Lori Glori

Episode Transcript of: Triple Platinum Voice | Lori Glori Alan Olsen: Welcome back. I’m here today with Laurie glory. She is a songwriter, producer and entertainer of several inspirational Christian music, music, and welcome to the show. Lori Glori: Thank you for having me. Alan Olsen: So Laurie, give me your back on how did…

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The Skills Your Future (and current) Employer want you to have

The Skills Your Future (and current) Employer want you to have

The Skills Your Future (and current) Employer want you to have Do you ever wonder what skills your current employer or future employer wants you to have? Ensuring that you have the right skills can be the difference between a promotion or a pink slip. Many of the top skills and attributes would not be…

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What Happens to Your Mortgage Tax Deduction in 2018

What Happens to Your Mortgage Tax Deduction in 2018

  What Happens to Your Mortgage Tax Deduction in 2018 What Happens to Your Mortgage Tax Deduction in 2018 A well-known aspect of the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is the doubling of the size of the standard deduction. However, this gift came at the expense of several of the most popular itemized deductions.…

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