Land Management: Conservation Easements

Land Management: Conservation Easements

Land Management: Conservation Easements Real property–land and the home or other structures on it–often has special significance to the family that owns it, to the surrounding community or to the ecology of the area. It may have played a role in an historical event; provide habitat for wildlife; command a magnificent view; or offer access…

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Personal Finance 101

Personal Finance 101 The subject of personal finance is very broad, but as a beginning, I would like to discuss what I consider the foundations of personal finance: Security, Stability, Growth and Protection & Management. Security Security to me means that I am prepared for the “hit by a bus” scenario. I have life insurance…

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Saving for Retirement: 5 Steps to Building Significant Wealth

Saving for Retirement: 5 Steps to Building Significant Wealth Are you saving enough money for retirement? Do you know how much money you need to accumulate in order to retire? Are you concerned about how you should be saving for retirement? The simplicity of these questions can lead many people to believe that there is…

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The Bypass Trust: Using Disclaimers to Manage Large IRA Balances

The Bypass Trust: Using Disclaimers to Manage Large IRA Balances

The Bypass IRA Trust: Using Disclaimers to Manage Large IRA Balances By Mary Kay Foss California CPA, December 2001Trying to fund a bypass trust can be problematic if clients only have a residence and a large retirement plan as their major assets. On the surface, a residence isn’t a good asset for a bypass trust…

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Tax Break for College Tuition Payments

Tax Break for College Tuition Payments    If you are writing a college tuition check, there may be a hidden tax break that will allow you to deduct a part of your college tuition payment. In order to do this, you must utilize a ‘Section 529’ College Savings Plan in one of the 26 states…

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Cost-Sharing Arrangements – Appeals Court Rules Against Xilinx

Cost-Sharing Arrangements – Appeals Court Rules Against Xilinx Taxpayer loses the Xilinx Case (click this link to see the complete Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Decision of 5/27/09) in the Court of Appeal on May 27, 2009.Subject to further appeal to the Supreme Court (which almost never happens with tax related cases), the tax benefits of…

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5 Steps to Great Time Management

5 Steps to Great Time Management By Yihan Lin: Before you learn how to manage the resources of an organization, you must first be learning time management skills for your own life.Time management skills are founded on this principle: If you don’t manage your own life, no one else will. Therefore it is essential that…

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IRS Notice 2009-62 Issued 8/7/09

IRS Notice 2009-62 Issued 8/7/09

IRS Notice 2009-62 Issued 8/7/09 The due date for reporting the existence of Offshore Bank Accounts on Treasury Department Form TD F 90-22.1 has been an issue of great confusion in the last few months. Form TD F 90-22.1 is known as Foreign Bank Account Reporting (AKA “FBAR”) For a complete review of this soap…

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Income the IRS Can’t Touch

Income the IRS Can’t Touch There’s one readily available and legal source of untaxed income that we know of: municipal bonds. These securities are issued by state and local governments, school districts, hospitals and other public agencies to support community projects and services. To permit these worthy endeavors to raise money economically, Uncle Sam exempts…

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Annuities in Qualified Retirement Plans

Annuities in Qualified Retirement Plans By Russell Hill Using annuities in qualified retirement plans. Qualified annuities reduce your current taxable salary in addition to accumulating tax deferred earnings, when you contribute money to an annuities program through an employer (as one of the investment options in a salary reduction retirement plan). Those who work for…

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