Avishai Ben-Tovim | CEO of MDI Health

Transcript of Avishai Ben-Tovim | CEO of MDI Health

Alan Olsen: I’m visiting here today with Avishai Ben Tobin welcome to today’s show.


Avishai Ben-Tovim: Thank you very much.


Alan Olsen: Ash I you’re the co-founder of MDI health and can you give for the listeners background of what inspired you to create this company? And what did you do in your your prior life?


Avishai Ben-Tovim: For the last 15 years I’ve been managing large operations for global high-tech companies dealing a lot with the AI technology managing very large operations and I know my partner Dr. Witt didn’t clearly for the last 11years and she was the head of clinical pharmacy of one of the biggest HMOs in the world and their own she became the head of pharmacovigilance for the Ministry of Health and when she she spent a whole life trying to solve medication related problems and because of her walls and a great experience people start coming to her with their problems the health problems and asking her if she might look at their medication treatments and the rate happened to later on open their own clinics that provided personalized medication treatment and I’m as a friend heard over lunch Nova joined trips I suddenly started to learn that actually she’s solving modern 70-percent problems of medical problems of people just because of the wrong medication treatment and when I started learning about patients walk into a clinic eve share the patient walking or getting into a clinic on a wheelchair and a three months he was walking again he still at parking zone but he was working and about patients who stopped SaLuSanation the problem has been sleeping at night and they and the high blood pressure in sunny I understood that actually the medication cocktail that I was always looking at as a solution and people looking at the solution for the problems sunny I realized that actually it’s a also can become a very big problem and now we’re talking about the fourth leading cause of death United  States medication were there problems and also about half a trillion dollar every year in the u.s. just because of us fertilization and physician visits that are completely preventable in our part of non-optimized medication treatment one of the things that of course my mind to a question about how they learn about it I said okay but we all I’ve you know I have a mother is taking a lot of medication she’s going to a great doctor she’s probably saved there’s no problem but then I learned that actually physicians it’s not they’re doing the best they can to provide the right medication cocktail but they have less than 20 minutes appointments to gather all the information about the drugs and the patients to connect all the dots and monitor the patient over time it’s simply possible especially with current tools that are just alert systems that have a very high alert fatigue and when I learned about it I tried to convince the rate that what she was doing on a one-on-one basis and helping so many people but again in a one-on-one basis we have to do a technology out of it I try to convince her that what she was doing it’s possible to do it with the technology at the beginning she said it’s impossible she said there’s too many parameters but now she will tell you it’s impossible to that without the technology and this is what we doing there’s pinging being advancements in the medicine area with pharmaceutical with technology


Alan Olsen: Would you say with your company are you more of a software big data driven company when the AI or how do you yeah how do you implement what you’re doing?


Avishai Ben-Tovim: Precision medicine is a great trend right now as you mentioned but we are not even though we are working with thermo Fisher Scientific right now and we do integrate genetics into our system as an input but we are not dealing with making a specific treatment recommendation or specific medicine recommendation our focus is on the medication cocktail how this old thing works together especially with chronic patient polypharmacy it takes a lot of drugs and when you saying medication cocktails not just the drugs it’s also the person my genetic is different my lifestyle is different my medical conditions my symptoms we need to see how this all things work together so that’s what we are developing we are developing a tool that actually helps identify populations at risk and then for these populations provide comprehensive medication reviews but currently done in minutes instead of hours the average time it takes to clinicians when using the coin tools to run a comprehensive medication visit takes between three to four hours with the system like ours once the information is there and we have also smart tools to gather the information it’s done automatically all the clinicians is to do is review that override if you wants and then approved it recommendation and the comprehensive medication reviews is on the way to the physician so our vision at the end is to provide these tools directly to the clinician but we started initial go-to-market providing the system as a treatment quality assurance system so it actually runs in the background able to identify populations that need this intervention and generate a very positive our wife or the health pairs that currently pays this huge amount of money it is completely preventable.


Alan Olsen: All right you know you’re not intrapreneur in residence at Hartford healthcare


Avishai Ben-Tovim: We are part of the digital health city yes which is a great program here in Hartford that really helped us accelerate and we got this amazing opportunity to to learn more about the US health system and now to pilot and test our technology on the US population and we’re very excited about it


Alan Olsen: Then you started you schooled over in Israel or where did you do your school again


Avishai Ben-Tovim: My MBA and better degree in IT engineering so my background is really extensive about business and engineering and building systems the rates my partner she’s a PharmD and she’s actually lecturing in two universities in Israel specifically in this domain she is one of the top experts in the fields and of course a city oh is that the third co-founder is from a computer science background

Alan Olsen: Excellent so what’s your when you look into the future how big you see the company growing?


Avishai Ben-Tovim: We’re talking one of the biggest problems we’re talking and as I mentioned by the fourth leading cause of death and half a trillion dollar problem so our goal is to you can’t eliminate completely medication problems but it is been proven at least 70% of this is preventable so our goal at the end is really making this technology accessible to more than one 110 million patients in the US who needs them currently and currently only 11 million are eligible for reimbursement so there is only way the technology such as ours yes is our vision you can actually offer a great treatment standardized in a very low quality so to your question we want to become the company that provides these services so the sky’s the limit -the way I see it

Alan Olsen: very good so your visiting here today with Avishai Ben Tobin and he’s the co-founder of MDI health it has been great having you here today


Avishai Ben-Tovim: Thank you very much for hosting


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Alan Olsen, is the Host of the American Dreams Show and the Managing Partner of GROCO.com.  GROCO is a premier family office and tax advisory firm located in the San Francisco Bay area serving clients all over the world and is a proud sponsor of the American Dreams Show.  For more interviews and information about the American Dreams Show, please visit our home page.

Alan Olsen, CPA


Alan L. Olsen, CPA, Wikipedia Bio

MDI prevents medication related problems, using data and AI, to create immense clinical, financial, and social impact in healthcare.

The MDI solution is powered by AI to enable clinicians to run high quality CMRs (comprehensive medication reviews) at scale, thus improving patient outcomes, preventing hospitalizations, and reducing medication-related issues, costing $528 billion annually. Our technology collects patient medical data, detects patients at risk, identifies and helps prevent potential adverse drug events, and continuously monitors patient health.

MDI can be implemented within health payer programs, at-risk provider programs, and Medicare/Medicaid programs as integrated SaaS or as a complete turnkey solution.

We are on a mission to redefine how medication treatment for complex patients is delivered.

Bio Source: LinkedIn.com
    Avishai Ben-Tovim on Alan Olsen's American Dreams Radio
    Avishai Ben-Tovim

    Avishai Ben-Tovim is a sales & business development executive with years of professional experience and a drive to succeed and to innovate. He holds an IT Engineering degree from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev as well as an MBA from Tel Aviv University. Over the course of his career, he has worked extensively within the sales and technology sectors and held a variety of technical and management roles with companies like Kenshoo, eToro, Google and Roundforest, the latter of which he acted as COO. The experience gained from overseeing the finances of major companies and managing multiple business units has given Avishai the skills to excel in the business world. His most proud accomplishment, however, is co-founding MDI Health. MDI provides advanced data-driven technology which helps to maximize the benefits of individual multi-drug treatments and improve overall patient health. Through his passion for health and his skills in business, Avishai strives to make the world a better place while finding new ways to grow and improve every day
    Bio Source: LinkedIn.com

    Alan Olsen on Alan Olsen's American Dreams Radio
    Alan Olsen

    Alan is managing partner at Greenstein, Rogoff, Olsen & Co., LLP, (GROCO) and is a respected leader in his field. He is also the radio show host to American Dreams. Alan’s CPA firm resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and serves some of the most influential Venture Capitalist in the world. GROCO’s affluent CPA core competency is advising High Net Worth individual clients in tax and financial strategies. Alan is a current member of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (S.I.E.P.R.) SIEPR’s goal is to improve long-term economic policy. Alan has more than 25 years of experience in public accounting and develops innovative financial strategies for business enterprises. Alan also serves on President Kim Clark’s BYU-Idaho Advancement council. (President Clark lead the Harvard Business School programs for 30 years prior to joining BYU-idaho. As a specialist in income tax, Alan frequently lectures and writes articles about tax issues for professional organizations and community groups. He also teaches accounting as a member of the adjunct faculty at Ohlone College.

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