Possible PPP Legislation & 1099-B

The Inflation Reduction Act Passed the House and Senate! Ron Cohen Episode 25

Possible PPP Legislation:

Form W-4P

IRS Notice 2020-3

Make Money Consistently Through Through a Small Investment

Make Money Consistently Through Through a Small Investment People often think that in order to become an investor you need a lot of capital to make it worth your while and believe me, nothing can be farther from the truth. Certainly, if you are planning to make a living exclusively out of your investment, you…

Investing with Style

Investing with Style How do you define your approach to investing? There may be many answers to that question. One answer goes to the style of investing that you choose: value or growth. Are you looking for value? The goal of a value investor is to seek out “bargains,” finding those companies whose stock may…


Introducing the “Total Return” Trust

Introducing the “Total Return” Trust The fundamental purpose of most trusts is to create a plan of financial protection for more than one beneficiary, often beneficiaries in different generations. “All the trust income to my surviving spouse, with the balance to be divided among our children at her death” might be used in a marital…

Making Tax-wise Investments

Making Tax-wise Investments

Making Tax-wise Investments Tax considerations are not, and should never be, the be-all and end-all of investment decisions. The choice of assets in which to invest, and the way in which you apportion your portfolio among them, almost certainly will prove to be far more important to your ultimate results than the tax rate that…