Taxes for Dummies
This is a great video explaining the US Government’s progressive tax system for those who don’t understand it! Is it fair that 16% of American taxpayers payed nearly 80% of all federal tax in 2014? Just to have politicians say that the wealthy haven’t payed their “fair share” yet.
Transitioning from Employee to Entrepreneur
Transitioning from Employee to Entrepreneur If you are out of work, have you ever considered creating your own job? As of April 2013, 7.5% of the American population are unemployed. The downturn of the economy has led many to wonder where they are going to find work, but has also opened opportunities for many to…
China Now World’s Sixth Largest Economy
China Now World’s Sixth Largest Economy China on Tuesday raised its estimate of the output of the world’s fastest-expanding major economy by a sixth, a revision that leaves growth better balanced but may increase pressure on Beijing to let the yuan rise faster. The new estimate, based on a vast nationwide census, hoists China above…
Asset Transfer Checklist
Asset Transfer Checklist Planning for the distribution of a lifetime of accumulated wealth can be complicated. The process involves drafting and regularly updating your will and making the necessary trust arrangements. It requires understanding exactly what you own and how to transfer what you own (and in what manner) to family members or other beneficiaries.…